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Breath of Fire II for Game Boy Advance Reviews - Metacritic
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Breath of Fire II

Game Boy Advance
  • Publisher: Capcom
  • Release Date: Apr 16, 2002
Breath of Fire II Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 28 Ratings

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  • Summary: One of the most popular RPGs of all time continues in this epic quest. Enter the magical life of a hero Ryu, a dragon morphing warrior, as he embarks on a vast adventure in search of his missing father and little sister. Eight mysterious characters will join you along the way to help youOne of the most popular RPGs of all time continues in this epic quest. Enter the magical life of a hero Ryu, a dragon morphing warrior, as he embarks on a vast adventure in search of his missing father and little sister. Eight mysterious characters will join you along the way to help you find and master the hidden secrets of the amazing lands you will explore. Discover the right combinations of magical spells, strength, wisdom, guts, and luck to determine your fate as you master the world of dragons, demons, and mystery. Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. 100
    In the realm of today’s high-powered next-gen role-players, BOFII is an excellent time-killer—not to mention one of the better entries in the series.
  2. Game Informer
    From the gameplay and balancing, to the visual content and story, you really couldn't ask for much more from a 16-bit RPG. [Apr 2002, p.88]
  3. The gameplay is everything you could want in an RPG. Every battle is turn-based, and they feature some of the best, most easy-to-understand menus that I have ever seen.
  4. 80
    Definitely hot stuff that hasn’t been burned too badly by the hands of time.
  5. The only blemish on the whole affair is navigating via the world map, as the small size of the GBA screen sometimes makes it a chore to find places you can dock at when riding the whale.
  6. An RPG that is screaming out for 'essential' status, but due to the complete lack of a learning gradient ends up being unnecessarily difficult and frustrating to play.
  7. Pocket Games
    Even fans of old-school RPGs will find themselves with a nagging sense of deja-vu. Disappointing. [Summer 2002, p.22]

See all 16 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Sep 27, 2018
    Breath of Fire 3 was on my 3rd favourite Breath of Fire game. It had also allot of amazing stuff to do a good story, many character you couldBreath of Fire 3 was on my 3rd favourite Breath of Fire game. It had also allot of amazing stuff to do a good story, many character you could find and even a fusion system. One of the best rpg games ever made. Just wish to play it again as an HD Remastered version on PS4 or PC Expand
  2. ChrisN.
    Sep 28, 2003
    The gameplay is awesome, graphics are great, and the length and replay value are both above many rpgs I've played.
  3. Justin
    Nov 22, 2004
    the game has a good sopp story at the beginning as the hero Ryu looses his family and is sucked into a new world of darkness and evil. he the game has a good sopp story at the beginning as the hero Ryu looses his family and is sucked into a new world of darkness and evil. he must than find himself and venture through many unknowns. i give it 8.5/10 for its grapics and 7/10 for sound (as it is a little soft through most of the game) other than that if you want a longtime asboring game for your GBA, than breath of fire 2, is perfect for you. Expand
  4. Nov 1, 2017
    (1.) Katt
    (2.) Deis
    (3.) Ryu (4.) Bow (5.) Nina (6.) Jean (7.) Rand (8.) Sten (9.) Spar That blue haired sorceress with a
    (1.) Katt
    (2.) Deis
    (3.) Ryu
    (4.) Bow
    (5.) Nina
    (6.) Jean
    (7.) Rand
    (8.) Sten
    (9.) Spar

    That blue haired sorceress with a slithering tongue... for once I wouldn't mind being half snake!

    Anyhow! Enemy encounter rate's a bit too high. Other than that it's perfect.
  5. Apr 13, 2020
    Probably my first RPG.
    Gameplay: GREAT.
    Story: GREAT.
    Graphic: GREAT.
    Music/Sound: GOOD.

Awards & Rankings

#27 Most Discussed Game Boy Advance Game of 2002
#10 Most Shared Game Boy Advance Game of 2002