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Ninja Five-O

Game Boy Advance
  • Publisher: Konami
  • Release Date: Apr 22, 2003
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
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  1. DuckLord404
    May 29, 2005
    Too short other than that, it's the best side-scrolling ninja game ever.
  2. BlakK.
    Sep 5, 2007
    It's a great, challenging game. Joe (your character) has quite a few moves at his disposal, for a side-scroller. The levels are hard and interesting, and the bosses pose a bit of a challenge as well. The one thing that really sells this game is that Joe acts exactly as we expect a ninja should: secretive, deadly, and ultra cool. As Duck Lord mentioned, the game does suffer from a It's a great, challenging game. Joe (your character) has quite a few moves at his disposal, for a side-scroller. The levels are hard and interesting, and the bosses pose a bit of a challenge as well. The one thing that really sells this game is that Joe acts exactly as we expect a ninja should: secretive, deadly, and ultra cool. As Duck Lord mentioned, the game does suffer from a short length. The difficulty should keep you busy for a little while, though. Oh, and be prepared to fight a lot of ninjas. Expand
  3. Marco
    Dec 19, 2003
    I play my GBA more then any system I have or ever had and I remember waiting on line back in the day when the "new" NES came out lol! All I have to say is that this game has the elements of all the classic ninja games that existed for the NES and SNES... If you loved the original ninja gaidens and the shinobis then you should not loeave this game out from your collection. worth every I play my GBA more then any system I have or ever had and I remember waiting on line back in the day when the "new" NES came out lol! All I have to say is that this game has the elements of all the classic ninja games that existed for the NES and SNES... If you loved the original ninja gaidens and the shinobis then you should not loeave this game out from your collection. worth every penny !! Viva La 2-D !! Expand
  4. Percival
    Dec 28, 2007
    Better than Shinobi, better than Ninja Gaiden, simply THE BEST ninja platformer ever. Time trial mode is the dogs danglies, the temptation to go back and beat your best time on your favourite levels is impossible to resist.
  5. Apr 14, 2014
    one of the best games i have played on the GBA , it is fast paced and enjoyable , its sad to know that very few people have ever played this but if you can get a ROM of it or buy an old copy you should definitely try this jewel of gaming
  6. Oct 5, 2014
    This game really manages to capture the feel of being a ninja. Rewarding stealth and precision moves whilst not trying to be overly realistic. Getting the hang of the grappling hook is a standout feature and quite rewarding when you time your swing to perfection and slash the thug the split second you land. Ignore the horrible box art, this game is pure platforming joy with a greatThis game really manages to capture the feel of being a ninja. Rewarding stealth and precision moves whilst not trying to be overly realistic. Getting the hang of the grappling hook is a standout feature and quite rewarding when you time your swing to perfection and slash the thug the split second you land. Ignore the horrible box art, this game is pure platforming joy with a great learning curve Expand
  7. Sep 23, 2021
    This game has the best physics of any 16 bit side scrolling game that I've ever played. The grappling hook, the jumping with an almost flying crane style feel, slashing your sword, and throwing shurikens all feel so incredible, and in general, this game was ahead of it's time. My only complaints are the length, and the fact that they missed out on making the best batman game of all time.

Awards & Rankings

#38 Most Discussed Game Boy Advance Game of 2003
#35 Most Shared Game Boy Advance Game of 2003

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Once the game has been completed, more Ninja Five-O fun can be had with an unlockable difficulty setting (making the game more tough to complete) and an optional Time Trial model.
  2. While this game not necessarily the most difficult game in the GBA library, it's still packed with solid and challenging gameplay.
  3. An insanely hard game. Beating the game will require intimate knowledge of the levels and a mastery of the controls. The title is a breath of fresh air in today's environment of games that can be easily polished off.