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The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap for Game Boy Advance Reviews - Metacritic
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The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 56 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 355 Ratings

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  • Summary: Link returns in an all-new Game Boy Advance adventure. When the sorcerer Vaati turns Princess Zelda to stone, the king of Hyrule sends Link on a quest that takes him to all-new locations. Using the power of a mystical hat called the Minish Cap, Link must travel through a fantastic world rifeLink returns in an all-new Game Boy Advance adventure. When the sorcerer Vaati turns Princess Zelda to stone, the king of Hyrule sends Link on a quest that takes him to all-new locations. Using the power of a mystical hat called the Minish Cap, Link must travel through a fantastic world rife with new items, puzzles, and bosses. As Link, you can shrink down to either battle large enemies from within or find secret items. You can also unlock items and solve puzzles by fusing together magic relics. Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 53 out of 56
  2. Negative: 0 out of 56
  1. The game may be short by the franchise's standards, but every minute of it is breathtaking.
  2. The overworld map -- while bearing minor resemblance to the layout of previous games -- is much larger than you'd think and the dungeons are as big, fiendish and ingenious as ever with a perfect learning curve.
  3. The graphics, especially when zoomed in, are breath taking and the new remixed classic Zelda tunes fit the game perfectly. Unfortunately, the quest seems to end a little short.
  4. Compared to past 2D Zelda titles, Minish Cap is bursting with personality and detail. Little touches, such as the expression on Link's face and accompanying scream as he rides a mine cart, his disheveled hair, the smart-talking Ezlo, the creative new gadgets and detailed environments help to give the game a certain charm.
  5. 90
    It's a Zelda adventure done right, and fits like a glove within the long line of successful titles in the series across all of Nintendo's gaming platforms.
  6. Pocket Games
    Lots of fresh and tasty new gameplay added to the Zelda mix. [Spring 2005, p.73]
  7. Cheat Code Central
    What I am beginning to find most troubling is the developers penchant for including items and characters from previous games to the point of ad nauseum already. Anyone who has played a Link game will be totally familiar with the numerous items in the game and that's ruined some of the surprise and enjoyment for me.

See all 56 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 67 out of 75
  2. Negative: 2 out of 75
  1. Jun 18, 2011
    One thing I love about the Zelda series that never ceases to impress me, is the fact that each game introduces an entirely new world, even ifOne thing I love about the Zelda series that never ceases to impress me, is the fact that each game introduces an entirely new world, even if the world is one we should be familiar with. Despite being shorter than most Zelda games, I loved the style and lore introduced in this one, as I do with it in most other Zelda games. Sure it was lighter in one sense, but the villain is great and the level design is probably the best I've seen out of all the 2D Zelda games. The story kind of reminds me of a Miyazaki movie and the amount you can do around the world, like in any Zelda game, is vast - and in order to unlock everything due to a certain timescale centered around the completion of dungeons, there's a pretty good replay value to it. Also, at first I was iffy with the fact that your hat talks and acts as your "fairy" character, but in the long run it was very enjoyable factor and also the ability to change size from normal to small and back again was awesome. It's a really good game! Expand
  2. JohnQ.
    Feb 17, 2007
    Great graphics, great game, more difficult puzzles. The only thing about this game is that if you don't have a walkthrough there are a Great graphics, great game, more difficult puzzles. The only thing about this game is that if you don't have a walkthrough there are a few puzzles that statistically impossible to figure out with trial and error without spending several hours --- esp, the blue / red floor tiles. To me, there is no point of having a puzzle based on trial and error rather than clever thinking. I finished a Link to the Past, then this one. Looking forward to a new release. Tried Final Fantasy, just didn't like it -- the great thing about Zelda titles is that they have a great story line, puzzles, and when you fight (unline FF) it is live action. I tried a few other games -- but again, esp on the game boy micro, Zelda delivers esp in the area of keeping the scenes / characters large enough for comfortable play. Overall, this is a great game! Expand
  3. W.H.
    Dec 1, 2004
    Beautiful graphics that blend the style of Wind Waker with the beauty of A Link To The Past, brilliant music, and the inimitable style of Beautiful graphics that blend the style of Wind Waker with the beauty of A Link To The Past, brilliant music, and the inimitable style of gameplay that has consistently put the Zelda franchise above all others. An instant classic. Expand
  4. Mar 16, 2015
    Zelda The Minish Cap ! Meiner Meinung nach der grandiose Abschluss der GB-Reihe und ein Muss für jeden Adventureliebhaber ;) Das warZelda The Minish Cap ! Meiner Meinung nach der grandiose Abschluss der GB-Reihe und ein Muss für jeden Adventureliebhaber ;) Das war eigentlich das Zelda mit dem größten Charmefaktor sowie vielen neuen Ideen . Klar , die ersten Zeldas (OoT , AoL) hatten wahnsinnig viel Neues zu bieten , aber auch The Minish Cap konnte in diesem Punkt überzeugen ! Die Schwierigkeit war gut und für ein 2D - Zelda hatte es echt viel zu bieten . Die Story war nicht hingeklatscht und die Bosskämpfe episch . Wirklich ein gelungenes Game ! Expand
  5. Raven
    Nov 20, 2004
    Probably the best Zelda game on GBA (not including the remake of the snes Link to the Past) to date. Great fun to play with a sufficient Probably the best Zelda game on GBA (not including the remake of the snes Link to the Past) to date. Great fun to play with a sufficient number of dungeons to complete, though maybe a little simplistic at times. Expand
  6. Nov 7, 2017
    For a gba fantastic and big game, but in comparison with other entries in Zelda series it's a little too short. Liked dungeons, items andFor a gba fantastic and big game, but in comparison with other entries in Zelda series it's a little too short. Liked dungeons, items and diffrent attacks that Link can learn. Being smaller was also great addition, I wish someting like this was implemented in next 2d Zelda game, because it really has potential. Expand
  7. Sep 25, 2014
    I didn't enjoy this game one bit. The story is very forgettable which makes the game as a whole rather forgettable. The dungeons and overworldI didn't enjoy this game one bit. The story is very forgettable which makes the game as a whole rather forgettable. The dungeons and overworld feel very constricted, and the sidequests were pretty terrible as well. This is such a disappointment for the Legend of Zelda franchise. Expand

See all 75 User Reviews

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