(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK IX., CHAPTER I., section 10
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At present the Athenians possess the island Salamis. In former times they disputed the possession of it with the Megarians. Some allege, that Pisistratus, others that Solon, inserted in the Catalogue of Ships immediately after this verse,

“ Ajax conducted from Salamis twelve vessels,1

Il. ii. 557.
the following words, “ And stationed them by the side of the Athenian forces;

” and appealed to the poet as a witness, that the island originally belonged to the Athenians. But this is not admitted by the critics, because many other lines testify the contrary. For why does Ajax appear at the extremity of the line not with the Athenians, but with the Thessalians under the command of Protesilaus;

“ There were the vessels of Ajax, and Protesilaus.2

Il. xiii. 681.
And Agamemnon, in the Review3 of the troops, “‘found the son of Peteus, Menestheus, the tamer of horses, standing, and around were the Athenians skilful in war: near stood the wily Ulysses, and around him and at his side, the ranks of the Cephalleni’4” and again, respecting Ajax and the Salaminii; “‘he came to the Ajaces,’5” and near them,

“ Idomeneus on the other side amidst the Cretans,6

Il. iii. 230.
not Menestheus. The Athenians then seem to have alleged some such evidence as this from Homer as a pretext, and the Megarians to have replied in an opposite strain of this kind; “‘Ajax conducted ships from Salamis, from Polichna, from Ægirussa, from Nisæa, and from Tripodes,’7” which are places in Megaris, of which Tripodes has the name of Tripodiscium, situated near the present forum of Megara.

1 Il. ii. 557.

2 Il. xiii. 681.

3 Il. iv. 327.

4 Il. iv. 327.

5 Il. iv. 273.

6 Il. iii. 230.

7 Il. ii. 557.

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