Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action

Under the leadership of the High-Level Climate Champions, the  Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action supports implementation of the Paris Agreement by enabling collaboration between governments and the cities, regions, businesses and investors that must act on climate change.

Our mission is to strengthen collaboration between governments and key stakeholders to immediately lower emissions and increase resilience against climate impacts. These actions are guided by the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement and undertaken in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The focus is on environmental, economic and social system transformation, promoting higher ambition of all stakeholders to collectively strive for the 1.5 °C temperature goal and a climate-neutral and resilient world.

High Level Champions 2020 at MP Strategy meeting, London 2020

High-Level Champions

To connect the work of governments with the many voluntary and collaborative actions taken by cities, regions, businesses and investors, nations decided to appoint two high-level champions. Find out who they are.

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About the Marrakech Partnership

Our mission is to strengthen collaboration between governments and key stakeholders to immediately lower emissions and increase resilience against climate impacts. See the history of non-Party stakeholder engagement, and the Marrakech Partnership background information.

Businessman working on virtual networking

Strategic Engagement

The Marrakech Partnership engages in a variety of activities, including Regional Climate Weeks, the organization of meetings at Conferences of the Parties, the Global Climate Action Summit, the technical examination process on mitigation, etc.


Climate Action Pathways

The Climate Action Pathways outline the longer-term vision for a 1.5-degree climate-resilient world from the perspective of non-Party stakeholders and sets out actions needed to achieve that future.

Touch Screen Interface between Earth and hand

Tracking and Reporting

The Marrakech Partnership has three principal reporting and tracking vehicles for capturing the breadth of climate action globally: the Global Climate Action portal, the Yearbook of Global Climate Action and the Summary for Policy makers. In addition, a periodical report is published on the achievements  of the High-Level Champions and the Marrakech Partnership. 

People forming an alliance

Climate Ambition Alliance - Race to Zero Campaign

Race To Zero mobilizes actors outside of national governments to join the Climate Ambition Alliance, which was launched at the UNSG’s Climate Action Summit 2019 by the President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera. The Climate Ambition Alliance is a group of countries and non-Party stakeholders determined to follow the recommendations of science as regards climate change.

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