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The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, DAULIS or Daulia, Phokis, Greece.
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DAULIS or Daulia, Phokis, Greece.

A city on the E slope of Parnassos overlooking the “schize hodos” leading to Arachova and Delphi as well as the approach to Boiotian Kephissos (Soph. Oed. tyr. 734).

The city goes back to the Mycenaean period and is mentioned by Homer (Il. 2.520). In the Median wars Daulis was burned by the Persians as were the nearby cities of Panopeus and Lilaia. In 395 the Thebans failed to seize the city (Hell. Oxy. 18 (13). 6) although they sacked the whole region; then in 346 it was destroyed by Philip (Paus. 10.3.1). In 220 the Aitolians tried in vain to recapture Ambrysos and Daulis (Polyb. 4.25.2) which they had lost about 225, and in 198 Flamininus seized the city from Philip V (Livy 32.18.7).

Daulis was built on a table-shaped acropolis (468 m high). Its ramparts, which are well preserved, were quadrangular and built of polygonal masonry, and rendered the city almost impregnable (Livy 32.18; cf. Paus. 10.4.7). Daulis had a Sanctuary of Athena, a cult of Athena Soteira, for which there is epigraphical evidence, and a Sanctuary of Isis. Inside the acropolis is the Church of Haghii Theodori, built with the reused ancient stones.

Daulis is not to be confused with Daulis in Epeiros.


J. G. Frazer, Paus. Des. Gr. (1895) for description of ramparts; E. Schober, “Phokis” (diss., Iena 1924) 27-28; R. Placeière, Les Aitoliens à Delphes (1937) 287, 289; A. Bon in BCH 61 (1937) 143-44IP; A. Philippson & E. Kirsten, GL (1951) I.2 431; E. Meyer in Kl. Pauly (1964) s.v.; R. Hope Simpson, A Gazetteer and Atlas of Mycenaean Sites (1965) III, no. 441; id. & J. F. Lazenby, The Catalogue of the Ships in Homer's Iliad (1970) 42; N.G.L. Hammond, Epirus (1967) 657 (for Daulis in Epeiros); for Pausanias, beyond the Frazer ed., see that of N. Papachatzis (1969) V 261-64I, 247, plan 157.


hide References (4 total)
  • Cross-references from this page (4):
    • Pausanias, Description of Greece, 10.3.1
    • Pausanias, Description of Greece, 10.4.7
    • Livy, The History of Rome, Book 32, 18
    • Livy, The History of Rome, Book 32, 18.7
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