(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK I., CHAPTER II., section 21
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Some writers tell us there are but two principal winds, the north and south, and that the other winds are only a slight difference in the direction of these two. That is, (supposing only two winds, the north and south,) the south wind from the commencement of the summer quarter blows in a south-easterly direction; and from the commencement of the winter quarter from the east. The north wind from the decline of the summer, blows in a westerly direction, and from the decline of the winter, in a north-westerly direction.

In support of this opinion of the two winds they adduce Thrasyalces and our poet himself, forasmuch as he mentions the north-west with the south,

“ From the north-west south,1

Iliad xi. 306, xxi. 334.
and the west with the north,

“ As when two adverse winds, blowing from Thrace,
Boreas and Zephyrus.2

Iliad ix. 5.

But Posidonius remarks that none of those who are really acquainted with these subjects, such as Aristotle, Timosthenes, and Bion the astronomer, entertain so mistaken an opinion in regard to the winds. They say that the north-east (Cæcias) blows from the commencement of summer, and that the southwest wind (Libs), which is exactly opposite to this, blows from the decline of winter. And again, the south-east wind (Eurus), which is opposite to the north-west wind (Argestes), from the commencement of winter. The east and west winds being intermediate.

When our poet makes use of the expression ‘stormy zephyr,’ he means the wind which is now called by us the north-west; and by the ‘clear-blowing zephyr’ our west wind; our Leuco- notus is his Argestes-notus, or clearing south wind,3 for this wind brings but few clouds, all the other southern winds bringing clouds and rain,4

“ As when whirlwinds of the west
A storm encounter from the clearing south.5

Iliad xi. 305.
Here he alludes to the stormy zephyr, which very frequently scatters the feathery clouds brought up by the Leuconotus, or, as it is called by way of epithet, the clearing south.

The statements made by Eratosthenes in the first book of his Geography, require some such correction as this.

1 ᾿αあるふぁοおみくろんͅγέσταο νにゅーὀτοιο, Iliad xi. 306, xxi. 334.᾿αあるふぁοおみくろんͅγέστης strictly speaking means the north-west, and although, to an English ear, the north-west south seems at first absurd, yet in following up the argument which Strabo is engaged in, it is impossible to make use of any other terms than those which he has brought forward, and merely to have translated ἀργέσταο νότοιο by Argest-south, would have mystified the passage without cause. We do not here attempt to reconcile the various renderings of οおみくろんͅγέσταο νότοιο by Homeric critics, as Strabo's sense alone concerns us.

2 The north and west winds, which both blow from Thrace. Iliad ix. 5.

3 ᾿αあるふぁοおみくろんͅγέστης νότος, the clearing south wind, Horace's Notus Albus;— in the improved compass of Aristotle, οおみくろんͅγέστης was the north-west wind, the Athenian σκείοͅωおめがνにゅー.

4 τたうοおみくろん λοιποῦ νότου λらむだοおみくろんυうぷしろん εいぷしろんοおみくろんͅοおみくろんυうぷしろん πως ὄντος. MSS. i. e. all the other southern winds having an easterly direction. We have adopted the suggestion of Kramer, and translated the passage as if it stood thus, τたうοおみくろん λοιποῦ νότου ὀλεοͅοおみくろん πως ὄντος.

5 As when the west wind agitates the light clouds of the clearing south, striking them with a dreadful gale. Iliad xi. 305.

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