(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK X., CHAPTER IV., section 5
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From the Cyrenæan1 territory to Criu-metopon2 is a voyage of two days and nights. From Cimarus [to Malea] are 700 stadia.3 In the midway is Cythera.4 From the promontory Samonium5 to Ægypt a ship sails in four days and nights, but, according to other writers, in three. Some say that it is a voyage of 5000 stadia; others, of still less than this. According to Eratosthenes, the distance from Cyrenaica to Criu-Metopon is 2000 stadia, and thence to Peloponnesus less than [1000].6

1 From what point in the Cyrenaiïca is not said. From b. viii. c. iii. § 1, it would appear to be Phycus, (Ras al Sem,) but from b. xvii. c. iii. § 20, it would seem to be Apollonias, (Marsa-susa,) the maritime arsenal of the Cyrenæans, situated at about 170 stadia to the east of Phycus, and 80 stadia to the west of Cyrene.

2 C. Crio

3 Of 700 stadia to a degree. Gossellin.

4 Cerigo.

5 The distance from Samonium (Cape Salamone) to Alexandria, in a straight line, is about 5500 stadia of 111 1/9 to the degree. Gossellin.

6 Gossellin's conjecture, for the number is wanting in the text.

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