(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XIV., CHAPTER III., section 8
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Then follow the Sacred Promontory1 and the Chelidoniæ, three rocky islands, equal in size, and distant from each other about 5, and from the land 6 stadia. One of them has an anchorage for vessels. According to the opinion of many writers, the Taurus begins here, because the summit is lofty, and extends from the Pisidian mountains situated above Pamphylia, and because the islands lying in front exhibit a re- markable figure in the sea, like a skirt of a mountain. But in tact the mountainous chain is continued from the country opposite Rhodes to the parts near Pisidia, and this range of mountains is called Taurus.

The Chelidoniæ islands seem to be situated in a manner opposite to Canopus,2 and the passage across is said to be 4000 stadia.

From the Sacred Promontory to Olbia3 there remain 367 stadia. In this distance are Crambusa,4 and Olympus5 a large city, and a mountain of the same name, which is called also Phœnicus;6 then follows Corycus, a tract of sea-coast.

1 Cape Chelidonia.

2 Aboukir, nearly under the same meridian.

3 Tschariklar.

4 Garabusa.

5 Tschiraly. Deliktasch.—Leake.

6 Ianartasch.

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