(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XIV., CHAPTER I., section 12
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After the mouths of the Mæander follows the shore of Priene. Above it is Priene,1 and the mountain Mycale.2 which abounds with animals of the chace, and is covered with forests. It is situated above the Samian territory, and forms towards it, beyond the promontory Trogilium,3 a strait of above 7 stadia in width. Priene is called by some writers Cadme, because Philotus, its second founder, was a Bœotian. Bias, one of the seven wise men, was a native of Priene, of whom Hipponax uses this expression; “‘More just in pleadings than Bias of Priene.’”

1 Samsun.

2 Samsun Dagh.

3 Cape Santa Maria.

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