(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XIII., CHAPTER IV., section 16
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The Cabaleis, it is said, were Solymi. The hill situated above the Termessian fortress is called Solymus, and the Termessians themselves Solymi. Near these places is the rampart of Bellerophon and the sepulchre of Peisander his son, who fell in the battle against the Solymi. This account agrees with the words of the poet. Of Bellerophon he speaks thus,

“ he fought a second time with the brave Solymi;1

Il. vi. 184.
and of his son,

“ Mars, unsated with war, killed Peisander his son fighting with the Solymi.2

Il. vi. 203.
Termessus is a Pisidian city situated very near and immediately above Cibyra.

1 Il. vi. 184.

2 Il. vi. 203.

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