(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XII., CHAPTER III., section 16
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Next to Themiscyra is Sidene, a fertile plain, but not watered in the same manner by rivers as Themiscyra. It has strongholds on the sea-coast, as Side,1 from which Sidene has its name, Chabaca and Phabda (Phauda).2 Amisene extends as far as this place.

Among the natives of Amisus3 distinguished for their learning were the mathematicians Demetrius, the son of Rathenus, and Dionysodorus, of the same name as the Ionian (Milesian?) geometrician, and Tyrannion the grammarian, whose lessons I attended.

1 At the mouth of the river Puleman.

2 Fatsa?

3 Samsun.

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