(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK IV., CHAPTER I., section 10
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Lying off this narrow pass along the coast, as you commence your journey from Marseilles, are the Stœchades islands.1 Three of' these are considerable, and two small. They are cultivated by the people of Marseilles. Anciently they contained a garrison, placed here to defend them from the attacks of pirates, for they have good ports. After the Stœchades come [the islands of] Planasia2 and Lero,3 both of them in- habited. In Lero, which lies opposite to Antipolis, is a temple erected to the hero Lero. There are other small islands not worth mentioning, some of them before Marseilles, others before the rest of the coast which I have been describing. As to the harbours, those of the seaport [of Forum-Julium]4 and Marseilles are considerable, the others are but middling. Of this latter class is the port Oxybius,5 so named from the Oxybian Ligurians.—This concludes what we have to say of this coast.

1 Les Isles d' Hières, a row of islands off Marseilles.

2 Isle St. Honorat.

3 Isle Ste. Marguerite.

4 Fréjus.

5 Between the river d' Argents and Antibes.

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