(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK III., CHAPTER III., section 2
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Of those who dwell above the aforesaid mountains, the Oretani are the most southern, extending in part as far as the sea-coast on this side the Pillars. Next these towards the north are the Carpetani, then the Vettones and Vaccæi, through whose [country] the Douro1 flows as it passes Acontia,2 a city of the Vaccæi. The Gallicians are the last, and inhabit for the most part a mountainous country: on this account they were the most difficult to subdue, and furnished his surname to the conqueror of the Lusitanians; in fact, at the present day the greater part of the Lusitanians are beginning to call themselves Gallicians. The finest cities of Oretania are Castulo3 and Oria.4

1 Durius.

2 This city is not mentioned elsewhere in Strabo.

3 Caslona.

4 Oreto.

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