(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XIV., CHAPTER I., section 8
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Next follows the Gulf of Latmus, on which is situated ‘Heracleia under Latmus,’1 as it is called, a small town with a shelter for vessels. It formerly had the same name as the mountain above, which Hecatæus thinks was the same as that called by the poet2 the mountain of the Phtheiri, for he says that the mountain of the Phtheiri was situated below Latmus; but some say that it was Grium, as being parallel to Latmus, and extending from the Milesian territory towards the east, through Caria, as far as Euromus and Chalcetores. However, the mountain rises up in sight of3 the city.

At a little distance further, after crossing a small river near Latmus, there is seen in a cave the sepulchre of Endymion. Then from Heracleia to Pyrrha, a small city, is about 100 stadia by sea, but a little more from Miletus to Heracleia, if we include the winding of the bays.

1 Bafi.

2 Il. ii. 868.

3 νにゅー ψぷさいεいぷしろんιいおた, according to Groskurd's emendation, in place of νにゅー ψぷさいσしぐまιいおた.

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