(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK VII., CHAPTER II., section 4
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As we have before stated, the northernmost of the Germans inhabit a country bordering on the ocean; but we are only acquainted with those situated between the mouths of the Rhine and the Elbe, of which the Sicambri1 and Cimbri2 are the most generally known: those dwelling along the coast3 beyond the Elbe are entirely unknown to us; for none of the ancients with whom I am acquainted have prosecuted this voyage towards the east as far as the mouths of the Caspian Sea, neither have the Romans as yet sailed coastwise beyond the Elbe, nor has any one travelling on foot penetrated farther into this country. But it is evident, by the climates and the parallels of distances, that in following a longitudinal course towards the east we must come to the countries near the Dnieper, and the regions on the north side of the Euxine. But as for any particulars as to Germany beyond the Elbe, or of the countries which lie beyond it in order, whether we should call them the Bastarnæ, as most geographers suppose, or whether other nations intervene, such as the Jazyges,4 or the Roxolani,5 or any others of the tribes dwelling in waggons, it is not easy to give any account. Neither can we say whether these nations extend as far as the [Northern] Ocean, along the whole distance, or whether [between them and the Ocean] there are countries rendered unfit for habitation by the cold or by any other cause; or whether men of a different race are situated between the sea and the most eastern of the Germans.

The same uncertainty prevails with regard to the other nations6 of the north, for we know neither the Bastarnæ nor the Sauromatæ;7 nor, in a word, any of those tribes situate above the Euxine: we are ignorant as to what distance they lie from the Atlantic,8 or even whether they extend as far as that sea.

1 The Sicambri, or Sugambri, dwelt to the south of the Lippe.

2 The Cimbri occupied Jutland, the ancient Cimbrica Chersonesus.

3 The shores of the Baltic.

4 Gossellin places the Jazyges in the southern districts of the Ukraine, between the Dniester and the Sea of Azoff.

5 Gossellin considers that the name of Russia is derived from these Roxolani.

6 The Bastarne and Tyregetæ, mentioned in chap. i. § I, of this book, to whom, in book ii. chap. v. § 30, Strabo adds also the Sauromatæ.

7 The Sauromatæ, or Sarmatians, living to the east of the Sea of Azoff and along the banks of the Don.

8 The term Atlantic was applied with much more latitude by Strabo and Eratosthenes than by us.

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