(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XIV., CHAPTER I., section 13
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In front of Trogilium lies an island of the same name. Thence, which is the nearest way, is a passage across to Sunium of 1600 stadia. At the commencement of the voyage, on the right hand are Samos, Icaria, and the CorsiƦ islands;1 on the left, the Melantian rocks.2 The remainder of the voyage lies through the middle of the Cyclades islands. The promontory Trogilium itself may be considered as a foot of the mountain Mycale. Close to Mycale is another mountain, the Pactyas, belonging to the Ephesian territory, where the Mesogis terminates.

1 The Furni islands.

2 Stapodia.

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