(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XII., CHAPTER III., section 5
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The Caucones, who, according to history, inhabited the line of sea-coast which extends from the Mariandyni as far as the river Parthenius, and to whom belonged the city Tieium,1 are said by some writers to be Scythians, by others a tribe of Macedonians, and by others a tribe of Pelasgi. We have already spoken of these people elsewhere.2 Callisthenes in his comment upon the enumeration of the ships inserts after this verse,

“ Cromna, Ægialus, and the lofty Erythini,3

Il. ii. 855.
these lines, “ The brave son of Polycles led the Caucones,
Who inhabited the well-known dwellings about the river Parthenius,

” for the territory extends from Heracleia, and the Mariandyni as far as the Leucosyri, whom we call Cappadocians. But the tribe of the Caucones about Tieium extends to the Parthenius; that of the Heneti, who occupy Cytorum,4 immediately follows the Parthenius, and even at present some Caucones are living about the Parthenius.

1 Tilijos

2 B. viii. c. iii. § 17.

3 Il. ii. 855.

4 Kidros.

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