(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XIV., CHAPTER II., section 12
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Next to Lindus is Ixia,1 a stronghold, and Mnasyrium; then the Atabyris,2 the highest mountain in the island, sacred to Jupiter Atabyrius; then Cameirus; then Ialysus a village, and above it is an acropolis called Ochyroma (the Fortification); then, at the distance of about 80 stadia, the city of the Rhodians. Between these is the Thoantium, a sort of beach, immediately in front of which are situated the Sporades islands lying about Chalcis, which we have mentioned before.3

1 Lanathi?

2 Abatro.

3 B. x. c. v. §14.

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