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Strabo, Geography, BOOK V., CHAPTER III., section 4
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Thus then the Latini originally were few in number, and for the most part under no subjection to the Romans; but afterwards, being struck by the valour of Romulus and the kings who succeeded him, they all submitted. But the Æqui,1 the Volsci, the Hernici; and before them the Rutuli, the aborigines, the Rhæci, together with certain of the Argyrusci and the Preferni,2 being subdued, the whole of their different countries were included under the name of Latium. To the Volsci pertained the pomentine plain, bordering on the territory of the Latini, and the city of Apiola, levelled to the ground3 by Tarquinius Priscus. The Æqui principally were neighbours to the Quirites, whose cities Tarquinius Priscus likewise devastated. His son took Suessa,4 the metropolis of the Volsci. The Hernici dwelt near to Lanuvium, Alba, and to Rome itself; neither were Aricia,5 the Tellenæ, and Antium6 at any great distance. The Albani were at first friendly with the Romans, speaking as they did the same language, and being likewise of the Latin stock; and though they were under separate governments, this did not prevent them from marrying together, nor from performing in common the sacred ceremonies at Alba, and other civil rites. In after-time, however, war having sprung up, Alba was entirely destroyed with the exception of the temple, and the Albani were declared citizens of Rome. Of the other surrounding cities, those which resisted were either destroyed or enfeebled, while others, which were friendly to the Romans, flourished. At the present day the coast from Ostia to the city of Sinuessa7 is denominated the Latin coast; formerly the country thus designated extended only so far as Circæum.8 The interior also [of Latium] was formerly small; but it afterwards extended to Campania, the Samnitæ, the Peligni,9 and other nations dwelling around the Apennines.

1 This name is written in Strabo sometimes αあるふぁκかっぱοおみくろんιいおた, sometimes αあるふぁἴκουοι; the Latin writers also named them differently, Æqui, Æcani, Æquicoli, &c.

2 Privernates of Pliny; the chief city is now called Piperno.

3 604 years B. C.

4 Suessa surnamed Pometia, to distinguish it from Suessa Aurunca, is here alluded to. Its exact position does not appear to be known.

5 La Riccia.

6 Capo d' Anzo.

7 Monte Dragone.

8 Monte Circello.

9 According to Cluvier, Strabo was mistaken in making Latium extend to the country of the Peligni, as these latter were always separated from Latium by the Marsi.

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