(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XV., CHAPTER II., section 11
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Chaarene is situated somewhere about this part of the country bordering upon India. This, of all the places subject to the Parthians, lies nearest to India. It is distant 10,000 or 9000 stadia1 from Bactriana,2 through the country of the Arachoti, and the above-mentioned mountainous tract. Craterus traversed this country, subjugating those who refused to submit, and hastened with the greatest expedition to form a junction with the king. Nearly about the same time both armies, consisting of infantry, entered Carmania together, and at a short interval afterwards Nearchus sailed with his fleet into the Persian Gulf, having undergone great danger and distress from wandering in his course, and among other causes, from great whales.

1 In the text 19,000. Kramer's proposed reading is adopted of separating the amount.

2 Ariana in the text. Groskurd proposes to read Carmania; Kramer, Bactriana.

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