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Strabo, Geography, BOOK II., CHAPTER V., section 40
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In the parts of the Troad next Alexandria1 in Amphipolis,2 Apollonia in Epirus,3 the countries just south of Rome and north of Neapolis, the longest day consists of fifteen hours. This parallel is distant from that of Alexandria in Egypt 7000 stadia to the north, above 28,800 stadia north of the equator, and 3400 stadia from the parallel of Rhodes; it is south of Byzantium, Nicaæ,4 and Marseilles 1500 stadia. The parallel of Lysimachia5 is a little to the north, and according to Eratosthenes passes through Mysia,6 Paphlagonia, Sinope,7 Hyrcania,8 and Bactra.9

1 Eski-Stambul.

2 Emboli or Jamboli.

3 Polina.

4 Isnik.

5 Eksemil

6 Karasi in Anadoli.

7 Sinoub.

8 Corcan and Daghistan.

9 Balk.

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