(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XII., CHAPTER III., section 42
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Eudoxus, without defining the spot, says, that fossil fish1 are found in Paphlagonia in dry ground, and in marshy ground also about the lake Ascanius,2 which is below Cius, but he gives no clear information on the subject.

We have described Paphlagonia bordering upon Pontus; and as the Bithynians border upon the Paphlagonians towards the west, we shall endeavour to describe this region also. We shall then set out again from the Bithynians and the Paphlagonians, and describe the parts of the country next to these nations lying towards the south; they extend as far as the Taurus, and are parallel to Pontus and Cappadocia; for some order and division of this kind are suggested by the nature of the places.

1 Book iv. c. i. ยง 6. Athen. b. viii.

2 Isnik Gol.

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