(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XIV., CHAPTER III., section 5
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Then follows Anticragus, a precipitous mountain, on which is Carmylessus,1 a fortress situated in a gorge; next is Mount Cragus, with eight peaks,2 and a city of the same name. The neighbourhood of these mountains is the scene of the fable of the Chimæra; and at no great distance is Chimera, a sort of ravine, extending upwards from the shore. Below the Cragus in the interior is Pinara, which is one of the largest cities of Lycia. Here Pandarus is worshipped, of the same name perhaps as the Trojan Pandarus; “‘thus the pale nightingale, daughter of Pandarus;’3” for this Pandarus, it is said, came from Lycia.

1 Site unknown.

2 Efta Kavi, the Seven Capes.

3 Od. xix. 518.

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