(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK VIII., CHAPTER VII., section 4
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The order of the places which the Achæans inhabited, according to the distribution into twelve parts, is as follows. Next to Sicyon is Pellene; Ægeira, the second; the third, Ægæ, with a temple of Neptune; Bura, the fourth; then Helice, where the Ionians took refuge after their defeat by the Achæans, and from which place they were at last banished; after Helice are Ægium, Rhypes, Patræ, and Phara; then Olenus, beside which runs the large river [Peirus?]; then Dyme, and Tritsæis. The Ionians dwelt in villages, but the Achæans founded cities, to some of which they afterwards united others transferred from other quarters, as Ægæ to Ægeira, (the inhabitants, however, were called Ægæi,) and Olenus to Dyme.

Traces of the ancient settlement of the Olenii are to be seen between Patræ and Dyme: there also is the famous temple of Æsculapius, distant from Dyme 40, and from Patræ 80 stadia.

In Eubœa there is a place of the same name with the Ægæ here, and there is a town of the name of Olenus in Ætolia, of which there remain only vestiges.

The poet does not mention the Olenus in Achaia, nor many other people living near Ægialus, but speaks in general terms;

“ along the whole of Ægialus, and about the spacious Helice.1

Il. ii. 576.
But he mentions the Ætolian Olenus in these words;

“ those who occupied Pleuron and Olenus.2

Il. ii. 639.
He mentions both the places of the name of Ægæ; the Achæan Ægæ in these terms,

“ who bring presents to Helice, and to Ægæ.3

Il. viii. 203.
But when he says,

“ Ægæ, where his palace is in the depths of the sea,
There Neptune stopped his coursers,4

Il. xiii. 21, 34.
it is better to understand Ægæ in Eubœa; whence it is probable the Ægæan Sea had its name. On this sea, according to story, Neptune made his preparations for the Trojan war.

Close to the Achæn Ægæ flows the river Crathis,5 augmented by the waters of two rivers, and deriving its name from the mixture of their streams. To this circumstance the river Crathis in Italy owes its name.

1 Il. ii. 576.

2 Il. ii. 639.

3 Il. viii. 203.

4 Il. xiii. 21, 34.

5 κράθιςκかっぱρろーαあるふぁθしーたνにゅーαあるふぁιいおた The Acrata. The site of Ægæ is probably the Khan of Acrata. Smith.

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