(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK II., CHAPTER V., section 30
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After Italy and Keltica, the remainder of Europe extends towards the east, and is divided into two by the Danube. This river flows from west to east, and discharges itself into the Euxine Sea, leaving on its left the entire of Germany commencing from the Rhine, as well as the whole of the Getæ, the Tyrigetæ, the Bastarni, and the Sauromati, as far as the river Don, and the Lake Mæotis,1 on its right being the whole of Thrace and Illyria,2 and in fine the rest of Greece.

Fronting Europe lie the islands which we have mentioned. Without the Pillars, Gadeira,3 the Cassiterides,4 and the Britannic Isles. Within the Pillars are the Gymnesian Islands,5 the other little islands of the Phœnicians,6 the Marseillais, and the Ligurians; those fronting Italy as far as the islands of Æolus and Sicily, and the whole of those7 along Epirus and Greece, as far as Macedonia and the Thracian Chersonesus.

1 The Getæ inhabited Moldavia. The Tyrigetæ, or Getæ of Tyras or the Dniester, dwelt on the banks of that river. The Bastarni inhabited the Ukraine. The Sarmatians, or Sauromatians, extended along either bank of the Don and the environs of the Sea of Azof, the ancient Palus Mæotis.

2 Thrace and Macedonia form part of the modern Roumelia: Illyria comprehended Dalmatia, Bosnia, Croatia, &c.

3 Cadiz.

4 The Scilly Isles.

5 Majorca and Minorca.

6 Iviça, Formentera, Spalmador, &c. They were called Phœnician Islands, because the Carthaginians had sent out a colony thither 160 years after the founding of their city.

7 Namely all the islands of the Icnian and Ægæan Seas, from Corfu to the Dardanelles.

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