(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XV., CHAPTER I., section 72
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Artemidorus says that the Ganges descends from the Emoda mountains and proceeds towards the south; when it arrives at the city Ganges,1 it turns to the east, and keeps this direction as far as Palibothra,2 and the mouth by which it discharges itself into the sea. He calls one of the rivers which flow into it Œdanes,3 which breeds crocodiles and dolphins. Some other circumstances besides are mentioned by him, but in so confused and negligent a manner that they are not to be regarded. To these accounts may be added that of Nicolaus Damascenus.

1 Not far from the present Anopschir on the Ganges, south-east from Delhi. Groskurd.

2 Patalputer, b. ii. c. i. § 9.

3 Probably the Iomanes.

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