(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XIV., CHAPTER V., section 15
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Among the other philosophers, “‘Those whom I know, and could in order name,’1” were Plutiades and Diogenes, who went about from city to city, instituting schools of philosophy as the opportunity occurred. Diogenes, as if inspired by Apollo, composed and rehearsed poems, chiefly of the tragic kind, upon any subject that was proposed. The grammarians of Tarsus, whose writings we have, were Artemidorus and Diodorus. But the best writer of tragedy, among those enumerated in ‘The Pleiad,’ was Dionysides. Rome is best able to inform us what number of learned men this city has produced, for it is filled with persons from Tarsus and Alexandreia.

Such then is Tarsus.

1 Il. iii. 235.

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