(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XII., CHAPTER VIII., section 21
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The names of some Phrygian tribes, as the Berecyntes [and Cerbesii], are mentioned, which no longer exist. And Aleman says, “ He played the Cerbesian, a Phrygian air.

” They speak also of a Cerbesian pit which sends forth destructive exhalations; this however exists, but the people have no longer the name of Cerbesii. Æschylus in his Niobe1 confounds them; Niobe says that she shall remember Tantalus, and his story; “ those who have an altar of Jupiter, their paternal god, on the Idæan hill,

” and again; “ Sipylus in the Idæan land,

” —and Tantalus says, “‘I sow the furrows of the Berecynthian fields, extending twelve days' journey, where the seat of Adrasteia and Ida resound with the lowing of herds and the bleating of sheep; all the plain re-echoes with their cries.’”

1 The Niobe, a lost tragedy of Sophocles, is often quoted; this is probaliy here meant.

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