(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XII., CHAPTER VIII., section 2
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This country, however, as we have frequently observed, has undergone so many changes, that it is uncertain whether the district around Sipylus,1 which the ancients called Phrygia, were a part of the Greater or the Lesser Phrygia, from whence Tantalus, Pelops, and Niobe were called Phrygians. Whatever the explanation may be, the change is certain. For Pergamene and Elaitis,2 through which country the Caïcus passes, and empties itself into the sea, and Teuthrania, situated between these two districts, where Teuthras lived, and Telephus was brought up, lies between the Hellespont, and the country about Sipylus, and Magnesia, which is at the foot of the mountain, so that, as I have said, it is difficult “ To assign the confines of the Mysians and Phryges.—

1 Sipuli-Dagh.

2 The district between Bergama and the sea.

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