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Strabo, Geography, BOOK V., CHAPTER III., section 10
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As to the places situated on either side of the Via Latina, those on the right are between it and the Via Appia; of their number are Setia1 and Signia,2 which produce wine, that of Setia being one of the dearest wines, and that called Signium the best for strengthening the stomach. Before this3 are Privernum,4 Cora,5 Suessa,6 'Trapontium,7 Velitræ,8 Aletrium,9 and also Fregellæ,10 by which the Garigliano flows, which discharges itself [into the sea] near Minturnæ. Fregellæ, though now a village, was formerly a considerable city, and the chief of the surrounding places we have just named. Even now their inhabitants throng to it on market days, and for the performance of certain religious solemnities. Its de- fection from the Romans was the cause of its ruin.11 Both these, and also the cities lying on the Via Latina and beyond, situated in the territories of the Hernici, Æqui, and Volsci, were for the most part founded by the Romans. To the left of the Via Latina, the cities between it and the Via Valeria, are, Gabii,12 standing in the Via Preenestina, it possesses a stone-quarry, in greater demand at Rome than any other, and is at an equal distance of about 100 stadia between Rome and Præneste.13 Then Præneste, of which we shall have occasion presently to speak. Then, in the mountains above Præneste, Capitulum, a small city of the Hernici, and Anagnia,14 a considerable city; Cereate,15 and Sora, by which the river Garigliano16 flows as it passes on to Fregellæ, and Minturnœ. After these there are other places, and finally, Venafrum,17 from whence comes the finest oil. This city is situated on a high hill by the foot of which flows the Volturno,18 which passing by Casilinum,19 discharges itself [into the sea] at a city20 bearing the same name as itself. Æsernia21 and Alliphæ,22 cities of the Samnites, the former was destroyed in the Marsian war,23 the other still remains.

1 Sezza.

2 Segni.

3 πぱいοおみくろんͅὸ δでるた τたうαあるふぁὺτης. It seems doubtful whether ταύτης refers to Signia, or the Via Appia.

4 This city was sacked by the last Tarquin.

5 Core.

6 Probably Torre Petrara.

7 Kramer supposes this name to be an interpolation; the idea of Cluvier, adopted by Siebenkees and Coray, is that we should here read σουέσσα τたうνにゅー πωμεντίνων, Suessa Pometia.

8 Veiletri.

9 Alatri.

10 Ceperano.

11 125, B. C.

12 Now called l' Osteria del Pantano, situated very near the Castel dell' Osa, and close by the lake Pantan de' Griffi.

13 Palestrina.

14 Anagni.

15 Cerretano.

16 Liris.

17 Venafro.

18 Vulturnus.

19 Capua.

20 Castel di Volturno.

21 Isernia.

22 Allife.

23 90 years B. C.

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