(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK VII., FRAGMENTS., section 3
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The proverb, ‘The brazen vessel of Dodona,’ thus arose. In the temple was a brazen vessel, having over it a statue of a man (an offering of the Corcyræans) grasping in the hand a brazen scourge of three thongs, woven in chains, from which were suspended small bones. The bones striking continually upon the brazen vessel, whenever they were agitated by the wind, produced a long protracted sound, so that a person from the beginning to the end of the vibrations might proceed to count as far as four hundred. Whence also came the proverb, ‘The Corcyræan scourge.’1 EPIT.

1 This proverb is quoted in Plutarch's Life of Lycurgus.

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