(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XIV., CHAPTER V., section 19
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Next to Ægææ is Issus, a small town with a shelter for vessels, and a river, the Pinarus.1 At Issus the battle was fought between Alexander and Darius. The bay is called the Issic Bay. The city Rhosus2 is situated upon it, as also the city Myriandrus, Alexandreia,3 Nicopolis, Mopsuestia,4 and the Gates,5 as they are called, which are the boundary between Cilicia and Syria.

In Cilicia are the temple of the Sarpedonian Artemis and an oracle. Persons possessed with divine inspiration deliver the oracles.

1 Deli-tschai.

2 Arsus.

3 Iskenderun.

4 Its name under the Byzantine empire was corrupted to Mampsysta, or Mamista; of which names the modern Mensis appears to be a further corruption.—Leake.

5 The passage is defended by the fortress of Merkes.

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