(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XVI., CHAPTER I., section 19
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The greatest part of Adiabene consists of plains, and, although it is a portion of Babylon, has its own prince. In some places it is contiguous to Armenia.1 For the Medes, Armenians, and Babylonians, the three greatest nations in these parts, were from the first in the practice, on convenient opportunities, of waging continual war with each other, and then making peace, which state of things continued till the establishment of the Parthian empire.

The Parthians subdued the Medes and Babylonians, but never at any time conquered the Armenians. They made frequent inroads into their country, but the people were not subdued, and Tigranes, as I have mentioned in the description of Armenia,2 opposed them with great vigour and success.

Such is the nature of Adiabene. The Adiabeni are also called Saccopodes.3

We shall describe Mesopotamia and the nations towards the south, after premising a short account of the customs of the Assyrians.

1 On comparing this passage with others, (b. xi. c. xiv. § 12, and b. xvi. c. i. § 1, and c. i. § 8,) in which Strabo speaks of Adiabene, we perceive that he understood it to be a part of the country below the mountains of Armenia, and to the north of Nineveh, on both banks of the Tigris. Other authors have given a more extended meaning to the name, and applied it to the country on the north of the two rivers Zab, from whence (Amm. Marcel. xxiii. 5, 6) the name Adiabene appears to be derived. In this sense Adiabene may be considered the same as Assyria Proper.

2 B. xi. c. xiv. § 15.

3 Groskurd proposes reading Saulopodes, delicate walkers, in place of Saccopodes, sack-footed.

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