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Strabo, Geography, BOOK VII., CHAPTER V., section 8
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After the bay of Rhizon1 is Lissus,2 a city, Acrolissus,3 and Epidamnus, the present Dyrrhachium,4 founded by Corcyræans, and bearing the name of the peninsula on which it is situated. Then follow the rivers Apsus5 and the Aous,6 on the banks of which is situated Apollonia,7 a city governed by excellent laws. It was founded by Corinthians and Corcyræans, and is distant from the river 10, and from the sea 60, stadia. Hecatæus calls the Aous, Aias, and says that from the same place, or rather from the same sources about Lacmus,8 the Inachus flows southward, to Argos,9 and the Aias westward, into the Adriatic.

In the territory of the Apolloniatæ there is what is called a Nymphæum. It is a rock which emits fire. Below it are springs flowing with hot water and asphaltus. The earth containing the asphaltus is probably in a state of combustion. The asphaltus is dug out of a neighbouring hill; the parts excavated are replaced by fresh earth, which after a time are converted into asphaltus. This account is given by Posidonius, who says also, that the ampelitis, an asphaltic earth found in the Pierian Seleucia,10 is a remedy for the lice which infest the vine. If the vine is smeared with this earth mixed with oil, the insects are killed before they ascend from the root to the branches. This earth, but it required for use a larger quantity of oil, he says was found at Rhodes also, while he held there the office of Prytanes.

Next to Apollonia is Bylliace (Bullis) and Oricum,11 with its naval arsenal, Panormus, and the Ceraunian mountains, which form the commencement of the entrance of the Ionian and Adriatic Gulfs.

1 The Gulf of Cataro

2 Alesso

3 A fortified rock near.

4 Durazzo

5 Ergent, or Beratino.

6 Lao, or Vousoutza.

7 Polina. Thucydides calls Apollonia a colony of the Corinthians, and not of the Corinthians and Corcyræans. He states it, however, (b. i. c. 24,) to have been the practice for colonies which in their turn founded other colonies, to unite with them, on these occasions, citizens of the mother city.

8 One of the peaks of Pindus.

9 Amphilochian Argos, now Filochia. G.

10 On the boundary of Cilicia and Syria.

11 Appear to have been situated on the Gulf of Valona. G.

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