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Order of Discalced Carmelites (Teresian Carmelites), O.C.D.
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Order of Discalced Carmelites (O.C.D.)

Teresian Carmelites


Also known as: Orden der Unbeschuhten Karmeliten (Deutsch) / Orden Carmelitas Descalzos (español) / Ordre des Carmes Déchaux (français) / Ordine dei Carmelitani Scalzi (Italiano) / Karmelici bosi (polski) / Ordem dos Carmelitas Descalços (Português) / あかあしなんじだまかい (せいころもかい) (正體しょうたいちゅうぶん) / Ordo Fratrum Discalceatorum Beatissimæ Mariæ Virginis de Monte Carmelo (latine)

Type: Mendicant Order of Pontifical Right (for Men)

Depends on: Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life

Statistics: 651 houses, 4,026 members (2,906 priests) (2018)

Address: Corso d'Italia 38, 00198 Roma, Italy


Website: Link




Superior General:ItalyFr. Saverio Antonio Gennario Cannistrà, O.C.D. (62)Fr. Saverio Antonio Gennario Cannistrà, O.C.D. (62) (2009.04.20 – ...)
Superior General:SpainFr. Luis Aróstegui Gamboa, O.C.D. (2003.05.02 – 2009.04.20)
Superior General:MexicoFr. Camilo Maccise, O.C.D. (1991 – 2003.05.02)
Founder:SpainSaint Fr. Juan de la Cruz de Yepes Álvarez (John of the Cross), O.C.D. (1568.11.28)
Founder:SpainSaint Sr. Teresa Sánchez de Cepeda y Ahumada (Teresa of Avila), O.C.D. (1568.11.28)

Living Bishops (1 Cardinal, 3 Archbishops, 12 Bishops)

SwedenCardinal Anders Arborelius, O.C.D. (71)Cardinal Anders Arborelius, O.C.D. (71), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria degli Angeli, Bishop of Stockholm (Sweden), Member of Council for the Economy and Vice-President of Scandinavian Episcopal Conference

LebanonArchbishop Paul Dahdah, O.C.D. (80)Archbishop Paul Dahdah, O.C.D. (80), Titular Archbishop of Aræ in Numidia and Vicar Apostolic emeritus of Beirut (Lebanon)

IraqArchbishop Jean Benjamin Sleiman, O.C.D. (74)Archbishop Jean Benjamin Sleiman, O.C.D. (74), Archbishop of Baghdad (Iraq)

PhilippinesArchbishop Rolando Joven Tria Tirona, O.C.D. (74)Archbishop Rolando Joven Tria Tirona, O.C.D. (74), Metropolitan Archbishop of Caceres (Philippines)

NicaraguaBishop Silvio José Báez Ortega, O.C.D. (62)Bishop Silvio José Báez Ortega, O.C.D. (62), Titular Bishop of Zica, Auxiliary Bishop of Managua (Nicaragua) and General Secretary of Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua

Northern IrelandBishop Philip Boyce, O.C.D. (81)Bishop Philip Boyce, O.C.D. (81), Bishop emeritus of Raphoe (Ireland)

South KoreaBishop Peter Chung Soon-taek, O.C.D. (59)Bishop Peter Chung Soon-taek (정순택 베드로 / なかあつしさわ), O.C.D. (59), Titular Bishop of Tamazuca and Auxiliary Bishop of Seoul 서울 (South Korea)

El SalvadorBishop Oswaldo Estéfano Escobar Aguilar, O.C.D. (52)Bishop Oswaldo Estéfano Escobar Aguilar, O.C.D. (52), Bishop of Chalatenango (El Salvador)

ColombiaBishop Gustavo Girón Higuita, O.C.D. (80)Bishop Gustavo Girón Higuita, O.C.D. (80), Bishop emeritus of Tumaco (Colombia)

AustraliaBishop Gregory Paul Homeming, O.C.D. (63)Bishop Gregory Paul Homeming, O.C.D. (63), Bishop of Lismore (Australia)

CroatiaBishop Zdenko Križić, O.C.D. (68)Bishop Zdenko Križić, O.C.D. (68), Bishop of Gospić–Senj (Croatia)

EcuadorBishop Aníbal Nieto Guerra, O.C.D. (72)Bishop Aníbal Nieto Guerra, O.C.D. (72), Bishop of San Jacinto (Ecuador)

MadagascarBishop Marie Fabien Raharilamboniaina, O.C.D. (53)Bishop Marie Fabien Raharilamboniaina, O.C.D. (53), Bishop of Morondava (Madagascar) and Vice-President of Episcopal Conference of Madagascar

BoliviaBishop Braulio Sáez García, O.C.D. (78)Bishop Braulio Sáez García, O.C.D. (78), Titular Bishop of Rhasus and Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia)

BrazilBishop Rubens Sevilha, O.C.D. (61)Bishop Rubens Sevilha, O.C.D. (61), Bishop of Bauru (Brazil)

MalawiBishop George Desmond Tambala, O.C.D. (52)Bishop George Desmond Tambala, O.C.D. (52), Bishop of Zomba (Malawi)

Other Present Prelates (2)

IndiaFr. Joseph Varghese Maliakkal, O.C.D.Fr. Joseph Varghese Maliakkal, O.C.D., President of Pontifical Theological Faculty and Pontifical Institute of Spirituality (Teresianum)

PolandFr. Szczepan Tadeusz Praśkiewicz, O.C.D. (62)Fr. Szczepan Tadeusz Praśkiewicz, O.C.D. (62), Relator of Congregation for the Causes of Saints

Saints (2 saints, 50 blesseds)

1907: PolandSaint Rafał od św. Józefa (Józef Kalinowski), priest

1591: SpainSaint John of the Cross (Juan de la Cruz de Yepes Álvarez), priest

1967: FranceBlessed Marie-Eugène de l’Enfant-Jésus (Henri Grialou), priest

1944: PolandBlessed Alfons Maria od Ducha Świętego (Józef Mazurek), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Eusebio del Niño Jesús (Ovidio Fernández Arenillas), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Nazario del Sagrado Corazón (Nazario del Valle González), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Pedro José de los Sagrados Corazones (Pedro Jiménez Vallejo), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Ramón de la Virgen del Carmen (José Grijalvo Medel), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Tirso de Jesús María (Gregorio Sánchez Sancho), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Lucas de San José (José Tristany Pujol), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Joaquín de San José (Antoni Bosch Verdura), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Jaime de Santa Teresa (Jaime Gascón Bordas), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Romualdo de Santa Catalina (Josep Guillamí Rodo), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Eduardo del Niño Jesús (Ricard Farré Masip), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Gabriel de la Anunciación (Jaume Balcells Grau), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Antonio María de Jesús (Antoni Bonet Sero), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Pedro Tomás de la Virgen del Pilar (Pedro de Alcantara de Forton de Cascajares), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Luis María de la Merced (Luis Minguel Ferrer), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Alfonso del Sagrado Corazón de María (Alfons Arimany Ferrer), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed José Mariano de los Ángeles (Mariano Alarcón Ruiz), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Vicente de la Cruz (Vicente Gallen Ybañez), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Elipio de Santa Teresa (Felipe Arce Fernández), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Pedro de San Elías (Pedro de Eriz Eguiluz), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Juan de Jesús (Joan Vilaregut Farré), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Silverio de San Luis Gonzaga (Jaume Perucho Fontarro), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Francisco de la Asunción (Francesc Segalà Solé), priest and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Hermilo de San Eliseo (Pedro Ramón Rodríguez Calle), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Eliseo de Jesús Crucificado (Esteban Cuevas Casquero), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Perfecto de la Virgen del Carmen (Perfecto Domínguez Monge), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed José Agustín del Santísimo Sacramento (Tomás Mateos Sánchez), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed José María de la Dolorosa (Vicente Álamo Jiménez), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Constancio de San José (José Mata Luis), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Daniel de la Sagrada Pasión (Daniel Mora Nine), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Félix de la Virgen del Carmen (Luis Gómez de Pablo), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Plácido del Niño Jesús (José Luis Collado Oliver), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Melchor del Niño Jesús (Melchor Martín Monge), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Juan José de Jesús Crucificado (Joan Páfila Monllaó), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Marcelo de Santa Ana (Josep Maria Masip Tamarit), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Joaquín de San José (Josep Casas Juliá), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Ángel de San José (Joan Fort Rius), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Carlos de Jesús María (Carles Barrufet Tost), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed José Cecilio de Jesús María (José Alberich Lluch), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Damián de la Santísima Trinidad (Damián Rodríguez Pablo), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Bartolomé de la Pasión (Josep Olivé Vivó), religious and martyr

1936: SpainBlessed Clemente de los Sagrados Corazones (Clemente López Yagüe), layperson and martyr

1934: SpainBlessed Eufrasio del Niño Jesús (Eufrasio Barredo Fernández), religious and martyr

1872: SpainBlessed Francisco de Jesús María y José (Francisco Palau y Quer), priest

1794: FranceBlessed Léonard (Jean-Baptiste Duverneuil), priest and martyr

1794: FranceBlessed Michel-Louis Brulard, priest and martyr

1794: FranceBlessed Hubert de Saint-Claude (Jacques Gagnot), priest and martyr

1638: IndonesiaBlessed Denis de la Nativité (Pierre Berthelot), priest and martyr

1638: IndonesiaBlessed Redento da Cruz (Tomás Rodrigues da Cunha), religious and martyr

Deceased Bishops (7 Cardinals, 26 Archbishops, 80 Bishops)

2021: VenezuelaBishop Cástor Oswaldo Azuaje Pérez, O.C.D., Bishop of Trujillo (Venezuela)

2019: BoliviaBishop Gonzalo Ramiro de Jesús María del Castillo Crespo, O.C.D., Military Ordinary of Bolivia (Bolivia)

2018: KuwaitBishop Francis George Adeodatus Micallef, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Kuwait (Kuwait)

2017: EcuadorArchbishop Luis Alberto Luna Tobar, O.C.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Cuenca (Ecuador)

2017: Dominican RepublicBishop Amancio Escapa Aparicio, O.C.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)

2016: PhilippinesBishop Julio Xavier Labayen, O.C.D., Bishop-Prelate of Infanta (Philippines)

2016: EcuadorBishop Gonzalo López Marañón, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of San Miguel de Sucumbíos (Ecuador)

2016: HungaryBishop Jusztin Nándor Takács, O.C.D., Bishop of Székesfehérvár (Hungary)

2014: FranceBishop Guy Étienne Germain Gaucher, O.C.D., Bishop of Meaux (France) and Auxiliary Bishop of Bayeux (France)

2012: LebanonBishop Paul Bassim, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Beirut (Lebanon)

2009: IndiaArchbishop Daniel Acharuparambil, O.C.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Verapoly (India)

2009: BrazilBishop Antônio do Carmo Cheuiche, O.C.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Porto Alegre (Brazil)

2007: ChileArchbishop José Manuel Santos Ascarza, O.C.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Concepción (Chile)

2007: ColombiaBishop Miguel Angel Lecumberri Erburu, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Tumaco (Colombia)

1998: ItalyCardinal Anastasio Alberto Ballestrero, O.C.D., Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria sopra Minerva and Metropolitan Archbishop of Torino (Italy)

1995: KuwaitBishop Victor León Esteban San Miguel y Erce, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Kuwait (Kuwait)

1989: ItalyBishop Enrico Romolo Compagnone, O.C.D., Bishop of Sezze (Italy), Bishop of Priverno (Italy) and Bishop of Terracina–Latina (Italy)

1988: MexicoBishop Francisco Medina Ramirez, O.C.D., Bishop-Prelate of El Salto (Mexico)

1987: IraqArchbishop Ernest-Marie de Jésus-Hostie Charles Albert Nyary, O.C.D., Archbishop of Baghdad (Iraq)

1982: IndiaBishop John Ambrose Abasolo y Lecue, O.C.D., Bishop of Vijayapuram (India)

1978: KuwaitBishop Ubaldo Teofano Stella, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Kuwait (Kuwait)

1973: IndiaBishop Vincent Victor Dereere, O.C.D., Bishop of Trivandrum (India)

1972: ItalyBishop Tarcisio Vincenzo Benedetti, O.C.D., Bishop of Lodi (Italy)

1970: IraqArchbishop Armand-Etienne M. Blanquet du Chayla, O.C.D., Archbishop of Baghdad (Iraq)

1970: PhilippinesBishop Patrick Shanley, O.C.D., Bishop-Prelate of Infanta (Philippines)

1965: ColombiaBishop Luis Francisco Irizar Salazar, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Tumaco (Colombia)

1958: IndiaBishop Juan Vicente Arana Idígoras, O.C.D., Bishop of Vijayapuram (India)

1957: ItalyCardinal Adeodato Giovanni Piazza, O.C.D., Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina e Poggio Mirteto and Secretary of Sacred Consistorial Congregation

1948: ItalyCardinal Raffaello Carlo Rossi, O.C.D., Cardinal-Priest of S. Prassede, Bishop of Volterra (Italy), Superior General of Congregation of the Missionaries of Saint Charles Borromeo (Scalabrinians) and Secretary of Sacred Consistorial Congregation

1948: CubaArchbishop Valentín Zubizarreta y Unamunsaga, O.C.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Santiago (Cuba)

1945: IndiaArchbishop Angel María Pérez y Cecilia, O.C.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Verapoly (India)

1945: ItalyBishop Pio Marcello Bagnoli, O.C.D., Bishop of Marsi (Italy)

1942: IndiaBishop Luis María Benziger, O.C.D., Bishop of Quilon (India)

1933: IndiaArchbishop Bernard of Jesus Arginzonis y Astobiza, O.C.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Verapoly (India)

1926: ItalyArchbishop Rinaldo Camillo Rousset, O.C.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Reggio Calabria (Italy)

1924: ItalyArchbishop Antonio Augusto Intreccialagli, O.C.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Monreale (Italy)

1920: ItalyBishop Alessandro Beniamino Zanecchia-Ginnetti, O.C.D., Bishop of Teramo (Italy)

1920: CubaBishop Antonio Aurelio Torres y Sanz, O.C.D., Bishop of Cienfuegos (Cuba)

1917: IraqArchbishop Désiré-Jean Drure, O.C.D., Archbishop of Baghdad (Iraq)

1916: ItalyCardinal Girolamo Maria Gotti, O.C.D., Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria della Scala pro hac vice Title and Prefect of Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith

1910: BelgiumArchbishop Denis Steyaert, O.C.D., Titular Archbishop of Damascus

1905: IndiaBishop Ferdinand Maria Ossi, O.C.D., Bishop of Quilon (India)

1897: IndiaArchbishop Leonardo of St. Aloysius Mellano, O.C.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Verapoly (India)

1894: IndiaArchbishop Ildefonso Giovanni Battista Borgna, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Quilon (India)

1892: IndiaArchbishop Marcellino Berardi, O.C.D., Coadjutor Archbishop of Verapoly (India)

1884: ItalyBishop Raffaele Corradi, O.C.D., Bishop of Bagnoregio

1883: IndiaArchbishop Loudovico of St. Teresa Martini, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly (India)

1882: SpainCardinal Joaquín Lluch y Garriga, O.C.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Sevilla (Spain)

1879: ItalyBishop Anastasio Laterza, O.C.D., Bishop of Boiano (Italy)

1878: IndiaBishop Michel-Antoine Anfossi, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Mangalore (India)

1876: IndiaBishop John Francis William Whelan, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Bombay (India)

1876: ItalyBishop Elia Antonio Alberini, O.C.D., Bishop of Ascoli Piceno (Italy)

1868: IndiaArchbishop Bernardine of St. Teresa Baccenelli, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly (India)

1864: BrazilBishop Pedro de Santa Mariana e Souza, O.C.D., Auxiliary Bishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

1864: IndiaBishop Carlo Giacinto Valerga, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Quilon (India)

1857: IndiaBishop Maurelio Stabellini, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly (India)

1855: GreeceBishop Francis Joseph Nicholson, O.C.D., Bishop of Corfù (Greece)

1853: ItalyBishop Bernardo Pontanova, O.C.D., Titular Bishop of Tanis

1850: BrazilBishop Carlos de São José e Souza, O.C.D., Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil)

1848: IndiaBishop Aloysius Mary of St. Teresa Fortini, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Bombay (India)

1847: ItalyCardinal Placido Maria Tadini, O.C.D., Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Traspontina and Metropolitan Archbishop of Genova (Italy)

1844: IndiaArchbishop Francis Xavier of St. Anne Pescetto, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly (India)

1844: IndiaBishop Miles Prendergast, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly (India)

1840: IndiaBishop Pietro d’Alcántara di San Antonio Ramazzini, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Bombay (India)

1828: MozambiqueBishop Bartholomeu de Martyribus Maya, O.C.D., Bishop-Prelate of Mozambique (Mozambique)

1828: ItalyBishop Timoteo Maria Ascensi, O.C.D., Bishop of Osimo (Italy) and Bishop of Cingoli (Italy)

1825: MexicoBishop Bernardo del Espíritu Santo Martínez y Ocejo, O.C.D., Bishop of Sonora (Mexico)

1825: PortugalBishop Manuel Nicolau de Almeida, O.C.D., Bishop of Angra (Portugal)

>1818: IndiaBishop José de Soledad Marques da Silva, O.C.D., Bishop of Cochin (India)

1816: IndiaBishop Raymond of Joseph Roviglia, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly (India)

1812: IndiaArchbishop Manoel de Santa Catarina Soares, O.C.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Goa (India)

1804: BoliviaArchbishop José Campos Julián, O.C.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of La Plata (Bolivia)

1802: IndiaBishop Aloysius Mary of Jesus Pianazzi, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly (India)

1797: IranBishop Cornelio di San Giuseppe Reina, O.C.D., Bishop of Isfahan (Iran)

1793: IndiaBishop Viktor von der heiligen Maria Schwaiger, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Great Mogul (India)

1791: ItalyBishop Paolo Da Ponte, O.C.D., Bishop of Torcello

1791: PortugalBishop José do Menino Jesus, O.C.D., Bishop of Viseu (Portugal)

1788: PortugalArchbishop Inácio de São Caetano, O.C.D., Bishop of Penafiel

1787: IndiaBishop Eustachius Francis de Sales a Mater Dolorosa Federl, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly (India)

1786: IndiaBishop Angelin vom heiligen Joseph Geiselmayer, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Great Mogul (India)

1785: IndiaBishop Charles of St. Conrad Vareschi, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Great Mogul (India)

1773: IndiaBishop Florence of Jesus of Nazareth Szostak, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly (India)

1772: IndiaBishop John Dominic of St. Clara Chiavassa, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Great Mogul (India)

1771: BrazilArchbishop Manoel de Santa Inês, O.C.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia (Brazil)

1759: ItalyCardinal Giovanni Antonio Guadagni, O.C.D., Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina, Vicar General for the Vicariate of Rome of Roma (Italy) and Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals

1757: BrazilBishop Luiz de Santa Teresa da Cruz Salgado de Castilho, O.C.D., Bishop of Olinda (Brazil)

1756: PortugalBishop João da Cruz Salgado de Castilho, O.C.D., Bishop of Miranda (Portugal)

1755: IranBishop Sebastianus a S. Margherita Piacentini, O.C.D., Bishop of Isfahan (Iran)

1753: IndiaBishop Innocent of the Presentation of Mary Strattmann, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Great Mogul (India)

1753: Bishop Innocentius Stratman, O.C.D., Titular Bishop of Aureliopolis

1750: IndiaBishop John Baptist Multedi of St. Teresa, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly (India)

1750: ItalyBishop Niccolo Bianchini, O.C.D., Bishop of Sovana (Italy)

1749: IranBishop Filippo Maria di San Agostino Malachisi, O.C.D., Bishop of Isfahan (Iran)

1749: ItalyBishop Francesco Vasco, O.C.D., Bishop of Alba (Italy)

1744: IndiaBishop Pietro d’Alcántara della Santissima Trinità Gagna di Cherasco, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Great Mogul (India)

1742: ItalyBishop Bernardo Maria Beamonte, O.C.D., Bishop of Lipari (Italy)

1735: HungaryBishop Innocentius Kollonitz, O.C.D., Titular Bishop of Aureliopolis

>1729: ItalyArchbishop Costanzo Giordino, O.C.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Sassari (Italy)

1726: IndiaBishop Maurice di Santa Teresa Baistrocchi, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Great Mogul (India)

1722: BoliviaBishop Mateo Panduro y Villafañe, O.C.D., Bishop of La Paz (Bolivia)

1715: TurkeyBishop Davide di San Carlo, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Smirne (Turkey)

1714: Archbishop Carolus Polodig, O.C.D., Titular Archbishop of Cyrrhus

1712: IndiaBishop Angelo Francisco of St. Teresa, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly (India)

1708: IranBishop Laurent Elias Mouton, O.C.D., Bishop of Isfahan (Iran)

1707: IndiaBishop Pietro d’Alcántara di Santa Teresa Leonardi, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Great Mogul (India)

1705: GreeceBishop Giorgio Emo, O.C.D., Bishop of Corfù (Greece)

1701: IndiaArchbishop Pedro Paulo Palma, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Great Mogul (India)

1689: ItalyBishop Giuseppe Maria Sebastiani, O.C.D., Bishop of Città di Castello (Italy)

1688: ItalyArchbishop Alfonso Álvarez Barba Ossorio, O.C.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Salerno (Italy)

1669: IraqBishop Jean Duval, O.C.D., Bishop of Isfahan (Iran) and Bishop of Baghdad (Iraq)

1651: IranBishop Timoteo Pérez Vargas, O.C.D., Bishop of Isfahan (Iran) and Bishop of Baghdad (Iraq)

1634: SpainBishop Juan Boldames Ibáñez, O.C.D., Bishop of Isfahan (Iran) and Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo (Spain)

1622: ItalyBishop Giovanni Antonio Bovio, O.C.D., Bishop of Molfetta (Italy)

Other Former Prelates (11)

>2014: Bosnia and HerzegovinaFr. Srećko Rimac, O.C.D., General Secretary of Episcopal Conference of Bulgaria

>2013: FranceFr. François-Marie Léthel, O.C.D., Prelate-Secretary of Pontifical Academy of Theology

>2012: ItalyFr. Luigi Borriello, O.C.D., Promoter of the Faith of Congregation for the Causes of Saints

>2011: SpainFr. Aniano Álvarez-Suárez, O.C.D., President of Pontifical Theological Faculty and Pontifical Institute of Spirituality (Teresianum)

>2008: ItalyFr. Virgilio Pasquetto, O.C.D., President of Pontifical Theological Faculty and Pontifical Institute of Spirituality (Teresianum)

1968: EcuadorFr. Manuel Gomez Frande, O.C.D., Prefect Apostolic of San Miguel de Sucumbíos (Ecuador)

1954: EcuadorFr. Pacifico del Carmine, O.C.D., Prefect Apostolic of San Miguel de Sucumbíos (Ecuador)

1954: EcuadorFr. Jeroteo della SSma Vergine del Carmelo, O.C.D., Prefect Apostolic of Esmeraldas (Ecuador)

1853: Fr. Bernardino di Sant’Agnese, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Quilon (India)

>1853: IndiaFr. Bernardine of St. Agnes, O.C.D., Pro-Vicar Apostolic of Mangalore (India)

1783: Fr. John Mary of St. Thomas Albertini, O.C.D., Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly (India)

as of 2021.02.28

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