The TTC has two major objectives in planning its transit services

  • To maximize mobility within the City of Toronto by ensuring that public transit is provided in the right places, at the right times, to satisfy the changing travel needs within the community.
  • To ensure that all transit services operated by the TTC are as efficient and cost-effective as possible and, therefore, affordable to both TTC customers and taxpayers.

In order to fulfil these objectives, the TTC undertakes a range of transit planning activities, governed by the service standards which have been adopted by the TTC Board. The service standards are a systematic and objective means of planning, monitoring, adjusting, and evaluating transit services throughout Toronto. The standards provide a mechanism for measuring the tradeoffs between the benefits achieved by providing more service in one location, the inconvenience caused by removing it from another, and the costs of providing those services.

Transit Planning documents

Accessible Transit Services Plan    

The TTC is committed to making its services accessible in order to better meet the needs of seniors and people with disabilities in the City of Toronto, and has a systematic program in place to ensure that this is accomplished in a cost-effective and timely manner. The yearly Accessible Transit Services Plans document the status of the various TTC accessibility initiatives and ongoing plans.

Ridership Growth Strategy

In terms of attracting new riders, customer research in Toronto and elsewhere has consistently shown that the public wants fast, reliable, comfortable, convenient service, and this is the focus of the ridership growth strategy.

Service Improvements

A comprehensive evaluation of proposals for new and improved transit services.

Service Summary

This is a technical document that summarizes the transit services operated by the TTC.

Subway Ridership

These tables list subway station usage and total subway line ridership.

Surface Ridership

These tables list surface ridership statistics for bus and streetcar routes.

Transit City Bus Plan

The Transit City Bus Plan has been undertaken to introduce improvements to bus service wherever possible, in order to keep bus transit an attractive option for the public.

Miscellaneous Documents