
Data & Analytics

Reports and data driven insights onto the research landscape and new developments in tracking and evaluating the impact of your research

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The quest to solve the 200-year-old mystery of the sweet potato
Report: How can research help the world hit net zero by 2050?
The engineering jobs are greener on the other side
Holistic approaches to shark conservation
A new approach to making wildlife markets more sustainable
Engineers can help realize SDG7 by transitioning to wind sector
Mobile AI helps health workers deliver prenatal care in rural India
Engineering transit solutions to advance climate action goals
How deep learning could give doctors a helping hand
Turning research into action to achieve a net zero future
Reducing CO2 impact with carbon capture, utilization and storage
Building strength in chemical engineering through process optimization
Mapping the next iteration of the Knowledge Exchange Framework

Research insight

Engineering Update

Elsevier's Engineering Solutions Team

August 3, 2021 2 mins
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