
Librarian Community

Librarians share how they create and deliver library services, manage library programs and resources, and develop new skills.

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Share your Stories and Ideas
See you at the 2022 Charleston Conference!
What role can librarians play in building confidence in research?
Call for Nominations: 4th Annual Karen Hunter Memorial Scholarship Award
The Diversity Audit: A thought-provoking tool for academic librarians
5 tips for scientific survival from the Father of Tamoxifen
How librarians can use SDG reports to bolster institutions’ rankings
사서의 SDG 보고서, 대학의 혁신을 돕다
Confidence in Research: 6 key takeaways from the UK roundtable
7 ways that libraries can support and promote the UN SDGs at their institutions
RDMLA develops new data services professional development program – Apply now!
What’s next for researchers? Five key trends for librarians
Achieving the UN SDGs – is there a role for libraries?
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