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Is Trump on the Forbes List?

Donald Trump has been the source of much speculation since his election to the presidency in 2016, but is Trump on the Forbes list? His net worth and wealth have been the source of much discussion and misconception. He has famously refused to release his tax statements since being elected despite his promises to the contrary prior to taking office. Well known for many decades as a wealthy real estate tycoon, many wonder is Trump on the Forbes List? Yes, Trump is on the Forbes List but what does that mean exactly? When has Trump been on the Forbes List? Influential business magazine Forbes began publishing its list of the world’s 400 wealthiest individuals in 1982. Known as the Forbes List or Forbes 400, obtaining one of these rankings is a coveted and envied position only experienced the m...

Is it True That the Bigger Your Shoe Size…

You know what they say, the bigger your shoe size the bigger your… other things.  Men have stressed about this old saying for years.  It’s commonly known that a man with bigger shoes may be packing a bigger friend in the downstairs department, but is it actually true? Kids use this phrase to tease each other about the size of their penis and it’s even a dinner party joke well into adulthood.  While men stress over if their shoe size gives away how big or little their johnson is, many women still believe that size doesn’t actually matter.  Do bigger shoes mean a bigger penis? The bigger the shoe size the bigger the… It’s common misconception that shoe size indicates penis size. This means that no longer do men with small feet have to worry about being siz...

Is it True That Kissing Burns 6.4 Calories?

Kissing does burn calories.  How many calories kissing burns actually depends on a few factors but experts say that it a good make-out session could be as beneficial as a brisk walk in the park. Does kissing burn 6.4 calories?  It could!  And the good news is the more passionately you do it, the more calories it could burn. Kissing burns calories and has health benefits Whether or not it’s true that kissing burns 6.4 calories doesn’t change the truth about it’s health benefits.  Laying one on someone we care about actually stimulates our mood and helps improve our immunity.  It also just makes us feel cared for.  Everyone knows that after a good session of slobber swapping on the couch they feel giddy.  That doesn’t just go for teenagers in puppy love either.  Even ...

40 Rare Historical Photos You Probably Haven’t Seen Before

There are some not-so rare historical photos that we’ve all seen over the years.  Shots like Marilyn Monroe with her skirt blowing up and the men with their lunch pails sitting on steel beams have become part of history.  Other lesser known shots like those shared in this article tell a timeless story of days gone by.  These shots were not perfected for big media outlets so they paint a more candid and authentic story.  Some show pain and some joy, but no matter the emotion captured – these rare historical photos will tug at your heart strings and inspire you to take a trip down memory lane. These photos don’t discriminate, some of the photos are of major leaders and some are of major stars while others are from little known activists and hidden publicity stunts.  These r...

40 Beautiful Vintage Photos We Can’t Look Away From

Looking at beautiful vintage photos is a past time that many people hold near and dear to their heart.  It brings back memories from simpler times that may have not always been the most friendly.  While our history is dotted with both good and bad moments, it’s the whole of those experiences that makes us who we are. The beautiful vintage photos in this article may bring back fond memories or teach you something about the past that you didn’t know. That’s the thing about beautiful vintage photos – they tell a story that not everyone knows.  Sometimes they tell a story that was secret or hidden from the world until decades later.  And remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder so some of the photos may not represent beauty in the traditional way.  Beauty is more ...

40 Unbelievable Photos From History

Some pretty bizarre things happened in the past and the 40 unbelievable photos from history in this article prove it.  Historical facts and battles won are often taught about in high school history classes, but rarely are the true stories shared.  Passed down from generation to generation, the stories that go along with some of these photos have been told over and over again on the internet.  Some stories are disputed and others have been verified, but they are still part of history. Part of what makes the unbelievable photos from history so interesting is the uncertainty behind what is pictured in them.  Whether it be a penguin getting a shower or the world’s first pair of roller skates, it’s all part of our history.  History sometimes is unbelievable when we look back on it w...

40 Photos From Extraordinary Moments In History

When we think of extraordinary moments in history, many come to mind.  Moments like the day the declaration of independence was signed and that day in 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue are familiar to just about all of us.  Many more complex and interesting moments from history do exist, they just aren’t readily taught in school.  With a history as colored as the one of this Earth, its no wonder that history classes can’t teach us about everything that happened in the past. Some of the extraordinary moments in history included on this list may be closely associated with a more commonly known event.  Some of them are lesser known and may seem unbelievable.  Looking back on some of these extraordinary moments in history may make you feel nostalgic and some may leave you fe...

40 Rare Historical Photos That You Probably Haven’t Seen Before

There are some not-so rare historical photos that we’ve all seen over the years.  Shots like Marilyn Monroe with her skirt blowing up and the men with their lunch pails sitting on steel beams have become part of history.  Other lesser known shots like those shared in this article tell a timeless story of days gone by.  These shots were not perfected for big media outlets so they paint a more candid and authentic story.  Some show pain and some joy, but no matter the emotion captured – these rare historical photos will tug at your heart strings and inspire you to take a trip down memory lane. These photos don’t discriminate, some of the photos are of major leaders and some are of major stars while others are from little known activists and hidden publicity stunts.  These r...

60 Places That Look Too Beautiful to Be Real (But They Totally Are)

Thanks to social media, the world is more at our fingertips than ever before. The magic of technology lets us roam around Mars, plunge into the depths of the ocean, and whisk off to the ends of the earth as we view photos like the ones in this collection, remote landscapes that could be straight from a fairytale. Many of us will never get the chance to see these places in real life, but thanks to these images, we can get glimpses of the most beautiful places of our world. Ghostly fairy tale images, buildings straight from science fiction stories, and landscapes almost too beautiful to be real will beckon you as we experience places only a few people in the world have ever set eyes on. Broken glass lake — Lake Michigan Photo: Joel Bissell | MLive.com One of the five Great Lakes (remember HO...