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Upcoming Feasts in Roman Martyrology
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Upcoming Feasts

in Roman Martyrology


read on:2022.04.05

The Sixth Day of April. Fourth Day of the lunar month. 🌒

Saint Ireneus, bishop of Syrmia and martyr

Saint Eutychius, bishop of Constantinople

Saint Galla, widow

Saint Winebald, abbot of Saint-Loup at Troyes

Saint Prudence, bishop of Troyes

Saint Methodius, bishop of Syrmia

Blessed Notker, monk

Saint Filarete, monk

Saint William, abbot

Saint Pietro da Verona, Dominican priest and martyr

Blessed Caterina Morigi, virgin of the Order of Saint Ambrose at Nemus

Saint Phaolô Lê Bảo Tịnh, priest and martyr of Vietnam

Blessed Zefirino Agostini, priest, founder of the Ursuline Daughters of Mary Immaculate

Blessed Michele Rua, Salesian priest

Blessed Pierina Morosini, virgin and martyr of Italy

â„£. Precious in the sight of the Lord
â„Ÿ. Is the death of his Saints.


read on:2022.04.06

The Seventh Day of April. Fifth Day of the lunar month. 🌒

Saint Jean-Baptiste de la Salle, priest, founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools

Memorial of Saint Jean-Baptiste de la Salle, priest, who at Rouen in Normandy in France did a great deal for the human and Christian formation of children, especially the poor, and established the Congregation of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, for which he supported many tribulations, becoming meritorious before God’s people.

Saint Hegesippus

Saint Peleusius of Alexandria, priest and martyr

Saints Theodore, bishop of Cyrene, Irenaeus, deacon, Serapion and Ammonius, lectors, martyrs

Saint Calliopus, martyr

200 holy soldiers, martyrs of Sinope

Saint Giorgio, bishop of Mytilene

Saint Aybert, priest and monk

Saint Hermann Joseph, Premonstratensian priest

Saint Henry Walpole, Jesuit priest, and Blessed Alexander Rawlins, priest, martyrs of England

Blesseds Edward Oldcorne, priest, and Ralph Ashley, Jesuit religious, martyrs of England

Saint Phêrô Nguyễn Văn Lựu, priest and martyr of Vietnam

Blessed Maria Assunta Pallotta, virgin of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Mary

â„£. Precious in the sight of the Lord
â„Ÿ. Is the death of his Saints.


read on:2022.04.07

The Eighth Day of April. Sixth Day of the lunar month. 🌓

Saint Agabus, prophet

Commemoration of Saint Agabus, prophet, who, as the Acts of the Apostles attest, moved by the Spirit, prophesied a great famine over the whole earth and the tortures inflicted on Paul by the pagans.

Saints Herodion, Asyncritus and Phlegon

Commemoration of Saints Herodion, Asyncritus and Phlegon, whom Saint Paul the Apostle greets in the Letter to the Romans.

Saint Denis, bishop of Corinth

Saints Timothy, Diogenes, Macarius and Maximus, martyrs

Saint Dionysius, bishop of Alexandria of Egypt

Saint Amanzio, bishop of Cono

Blessed Clemente da Osimo, Augustinian priest

Blessed Julián de San Agustín Martinet Gutiérrez, Discalced Franciscan religious

Saint Julie Billiart, virgin, founder of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur

Blessed August Franciszek Czartoryski, Salesian priest

Blessed Domingo del Santísmo Sacramento, Trinitarian priest

â„£. Precious in the sight of the Lord
â„Ÿ. Is the death of his Saints.


read on:2022.04.08

The Ninth Day of April. Seventh Day of the lunar month. 🌓

Saint Maximus, bishop of Alexandria of Egypt

Saint Aedesius, martyr

Saint Demetrius, martyr

Saint Eupsychius, martyr

Saint Liboire, bishop of Le Mans

Saint Acacius, bishop of Amida

Saint Waltrude, religious

Saint Hugues, bishop of Rouen

Saint Casilda, virgin

Saint Gaucher, canon regular

Blessed Ubaldo da Borgo San Sepolcro Adimari, Servite priest

Blessed Tommaso da Tolentino, Franciscan priest and martyr of India

Blessed Antonio Pavoni, Dominican priest and martyr

Blessed Celestyna Faron, virgin of the Handmaids of the Immaculate Conception, martyr at Auschwitz

â„£. Precious in the sight of the Lord
â„Ÿ. Is the death of his Saints.


read on:2022.04.09

The Tenth Day of April. Eighth Day of the lunar month. 🌓

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, when our Lord Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem, in accordance to the prophecy of Zechariah, seated on the colt of an ass, while the crowds came out to meet him bearing palm branches.

Saints Terence, Africanus, Maximus, Pompeius, Alexandar, Theodore and 40 companions, martyrs

Saint Apollonius, priest and martyr at Alexandria of Egypt

Saint Pallade, bishop of Auxerre

Saint Beda il Giovane, monk

Saint Macarius, pilgrim

Saint Fulbert, bishop of Chartres

Blessed Antonio Neirotti, Dominican priest and martyr in Tunisia

Blessed Marco Fantuzzi, Franciscan priest

Saint Michael de Sanctis, Trinitarian priest

Saint Magdalen of Canossa, virgin, founder of the Canossian Daughters and Sons of Charity

Blessed Bonifacy Żukowski, Conventual Franciscan priest and martyr at Dachau

â„£. Precious in the sight of the Lord
â„Ÿ. Is the death of his Saints.

according to Roman Martyrology 2004

See Also

Roman Martyrology 2004

Upcoming Feasts in Calendar

General Roman Calendar

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