Middle East

Visa refusal for UN human rights staff in Palestine part of wider ‘worrying trend’: Bachelet

UN Human Rights High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet has deplored Israel’s refusal to grant visas for her staff in the occupied Palestinian territory, according to a statement issued on Tuesday. 

‘Very survival’ of Iraqi State at risk, UN mission warns, as Guterres calls for calm and restraint

The UN chief on Monday issued a call for “calm and restraint” in the Iraqi capital Baghdad following a day of reportedly violent protests in and around the national parliament building, in the wake of the announcement from political leader and cleric Muqtada al-Sadr that he was leaving politics.

Whole generation of Syrian children ‘might be lost’, senior humanitarian warns Security Council

“Irreversible damage” is being caused to the lives of Syrian civilians due to chronic under-funding of the international effort said the UN’s Assistant Secretary-General for humanitarian affairs on Monday, who told the Security Council the future of a whole generation was at stake.

Young Jordanians innovate to tackle food insecurity

In Jordan, where many struggle to find enough to eat, young people are finding creative ways to tackle food insecurity, and create sustainable, environmentally friendly employment, with support from a UN innovation programme.

Security Council: Managing Israel-Palestine conflict ‘no substitute’ for meaningful political process

Managing the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis is no substitute for a real political process, a truth laid bare by recent events, the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process told the Security Council on Thursday, as he urged delegates to turn their attention to the broader strategy of ending the occupation and realizing the long elusive two-State solution.

Israeli suppression of Palestinian rights organizations ‘illegal and unacceptable’

Twenty-four UN-appointed independent human rights experts condemned on Wednesday, Israel’s escalating attacks against Palestinian civil society in the occupied West Bank, describing it as “illegal and unacceptable”.

Rights experts urge Iran to end ‘systematic persecution’ of religious minorities

Authorities in Iran must stop the persecution and harassment of religious minorities, a group of independent UN human rights experts said in a statement issued on Monday expressing alarm over the escalation in incidents there.

Saudi Arabia: UN calls for release of woman sentenced to 34 years in prison for tweeting

The UN human rights office, OHCHR, expressed outrage on Friday over a 34-year prison sentence handed down to a Saudi woman charged with following and retweeting so-called dissidents and activists.

First Person: Helping Afghan women to heal

Najiba*, a mother, counsellor, and former university lecturer, helps women heal from trauma in Afghanistan. Despite threats and restrictions on her freedom to move, she continues to enable women to learn and heal.

Israel urged to allow humanitarians to continue working in Palestine

Allow human rights and humanitarian organizations to continue their work in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), UN agencies and other partners have urged Israel.