Finance & economics

The great reversal

Five financial trends that 2022 killed

A year of rising rates has scrambled markets

An expensive issue

2022 has been a year of brutal inflation

What will be next year’s big economic problem?


2023 will bring the true test of the West’s oil-war tactics

Oil prices have sunk to pre-war levels. They are unlikely to remain there

Free exchange

The Federal Reserve’s great anti-hero deserves a second look

Lessons for modern policymakers from Arthur Burns

To protect and to swerve

China’s leaders ponder an economy without lockdowns—or crackdowns

Will market-friendly slogans turn into market-friendly policies?


India’s stockmarkets are roaring. They also have serious faults

Investors may have to look elsewhere for diversification

Robots and jobs

The pandemic and the triumph of the Luddites

Covid-19 was meant to lead to job-killing automation

No time like the present

The Bank of Japan shocks investors

By lifting its bond-market peg, the bank may herald a period of tightening

Top of the charts

2022’s unlikely economic winners

Which countries performed best and worst this year?

Going Dutch

What an unusual auction says about the art market

Poking fun at status-obsessed buyers

No time to chill

Europe looks increasingly complacent about the winter ahead

The continent has navigated the first cold spell. There are more to come

Stormy skies

The struggle to put a carbon price on a flight

Europe is leading the world—but still not going fast enough