The Economist reads

Spook books

What to read to understand intelligence and espionage

Our defence editor picks seven good books on spying

Japanese women

What to read (and watch) to understand women in Japan

Six books (and one film) on life in one of the rich world’s most sexist countries


What to read to understand why population changes matter

These books explain the importance of demographic ebbs and flows, especially in places such as China and India

Prison life

What to read to understand life behind bars

Five texts that set out the reality of doing time in Britain


What to read to become a better photographer

Five books to deepen your understanding of photography


What to read to understand modern Austria

Four books and two plays that explain how the shadow of Austria’s past remains omnipresent

Modern Spain

What to read (and watch) to understand contemporary Spain

Six books and two films on the civil war, the dictatorship and the years since

Global warming

What to read to understand climate change

Seven texts that explain how the climate is changing—and what to do about it

Booze you can use

What to read to make and drink better cocktails

The five essential guides to improved mixology

North Korea

What to read to understand North Korea

Our correspondent picks six essential books on the Hermit Kingdom


What to read to understand Xinjiang

Books and a documentary that consider Uyghur culture and repression by China

Why people flee

What to read (and watch) to understand refugees

An introduction to the problems of forced migration