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Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, Υυ , Υυ , Υυ
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Υうぷしろんυうぷしろん , τό, indecl., twenty-third letter of the Formello abecedarium, IG14.2420, but twentieth of the Ion. alphabet: as numberal ύ = 400, but υうぷしろんͅ = 400,000. It is called τたう by Pl.Cra.393d, Callias ap.Ath.10.453d (prob., the line ends τたうαあるふぁ, <τたう> ), IG22.2783.4 (iv B. C.), Hellad. ap. Phot.Bibl.p.530 B.; τό τたう or τό θしーた might be read in Achae.33.3 for τたうοおみくろん υうぷしろん_ codd.Ath.; later τたう υうぷしろん ψιλόν or τたう ψぷさいιいおたλらむだνにゅー υうぷしろん (as name of the first letter of ὕαλος, υうぷしろんἱός, etc.), Theognost.Can.18, Sch. Ar.Pl.896, Ps. Hdn.Epim.116, 137, al.: so named to distinguish it from οおみくろん_ιいおた_ δίφθογγος, υうぷしろん and οおみくろんιいおた being pronounced alike in late Gr.; is aspirated in AP9.385.20 (Steph.Gramm.), 11.67.1 (Myrin.) cod.Pal.; the Coptic name
A.he (cf. Arm. hiun) may indicate that the early name was , which seems also to be implied by Serv.ad Verg.A.1.744: alii dicunt Hyadas dictas vel ab Y littera, vel πぱい τたうοおみくろん ὑός, cf. Sch.Il.18.486: the sign Y represents hy on coins of P. Plautius Hypsaeus (58 B.C.), which are inscribed Ypsae, BMus.Cat.Republ.Coins, Plate 48 Nos.2,3,4,5, but Hupsae, Nos.13, 14, Plate 123 Nos.7,8,9.
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