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: Conservative think tank's 'bizarre' anti-emissions-reduction campaign labelled 'scaremongering'

The Institute of Public Affairs is warning regional NSW that net-zero emissions targets will cost tens of thousands of people their jobs, just days out from the state election.
Two men walk down a street

: Opposition Leader Chris Minns says New South Wales is highest-taxing state. We check the facts

State Opposition Leader Chris Minns claims New South Wales residents have the greatest tax burden in Australia, adding to their cost-of-living pain. Is that true? RMIT ABC Fact Check investigates.
A person with their trolley in a supermarket aisle.

: The gas industry claims up to 6,000 jobs will be created from Beetaloo Basin fracking. But how many will go to the local Indigenous people?

An unpublished report commissioned by the federal government has cast doubt on the fracking industry's promise of jobs and economic benefits for Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory.
Man with beard and short hair sitting in wheelchair stares into camera

: CLP more than six months overdue in disclosing political donations to NT Electoral Commission

The NT Electoral Commission says it has sent "numerous reminders" to the CLP regarding its filing obligations, as it awaits the disclosure of thousands of dollars in donations from the 2021-22 financial year. 
A sign featuring the CLP NT logo.

: 'Male, pale and stale': Former Liberal deputy premier urges political makeover

South Australia's former deputy premier, Vickie Chapman, left parliament eight months ago, but is backing a new push to boost and broaden the appeal of her party.
A woman wearing a black blazer, white top and glasses sits in front of a microphone. She is holding a binder of papers

: Thousands of Australians will not be able to vote in Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum

Thousands of people — including a significant number of First Nations Australians — will be prevented from voting on the referendum to establish an Indigenous Voice to Parliament if amendments to the referendum machinery bill are voted down in the Senate.
The Australian Aboriginal flag on S

: Nudity, Oscars, Ginger Rogers, racism: The forgotten history of one of Sydney's art deco gems

An art deco building is at the centre of a fight between theatre advocates and a property developer. It highlights the question of what to do with neglected heritage buildings.  
A 1960s photo of Hollywood icon Ginger Rogers in a yellow dress

: 'Tied myself to him for 9 days': Army veteran's wife tells Q+A how she saved him from taking his own life as she waited for government help

Australian Army veteran Dave has tried to end his life more than 30 times since returning from Timor-Leste. He and his wife have used a Q+A appearance to implore the government to better support defence personnel.
A man and a woman in a living room.

: ‘We don’t have a moment to lose’: Latest climate report comes with dire warning

The world’s climate scientists have issued what one expert says is a “final warning” before global warming exceeds 1.5C, threatening planetary systems human life depends on.
The Jaenschwalde brown coal-fired power plant in Lusatia

: Tasmania's transgender community braces ahead of Tuesday rally after Nazi outrage in Melbourne

An anti-trans rights rally outside Tasmania's parliament will go ahead on Tuesday, with authorities declaring "censoring free speech is not in the interest of a democratic society" — despite ugly scenes at a Melbourne event on the weekend.
Police remove a protester during a transgender rights rally, involving opposing neo-Nazi protesters, outside Parliament House.

Latest political news

: Embattled lawyer chosen as Labor's replacement for Alannah MacTiernan as party declares he'll sit on crossbench

A recount confirms community lawyer Ben Dawkins will replace Alannah MacTiernan in the upper house, but WA Labor veterans declare they don't want him representing their party. 
A composite image of a man and woman with their arms raised

: New South Wales Labor's promise to scrap public sector wage cap could cost billions, review finds

By state political reporter Ashleigh Raper
Voters will go to the polls on Saturday without knowing the budget impacts of Labor's signature policy to scrap the public sector wage cap, but it is likely to cost billions of dollars.
three men standing outdoors, one is wearing glasses

: Liberal MP says she will fight party expulsion after attending anti-trans rights rally

Victorian MP Moira Deeming vows to fight moves to expel her from the parliamentary Liberal Party after her involvement in an anti-trans rights rally attended by neo-Nazis.
Moira Deeming smiles for a selfie with Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull.

: Minister admits government will miss deadline to employ around-the-clock nurses in aged care

By ABC Afternoon Briefing's Greg Jennett and Jordyn Butler, and political reporter Jake Evans
Labor promised to have nurses in aged care homes at all times within a year of winning the federal election. The aged care minister now admits the government will miss that deadline.
ABC: Anika Wells

: Latitude warns customer data breach could be worse than originally thought

By business reporter Emilia Terzon
The amount of customer data stolen from Australian company Latitude Financial may grow, with the non-bank lender confirming that drivers licences, passports and Medicare numbers of more than 300,000 people have already been hacked.
A Latitude Financial logo advertising interest free credit.

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