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Thomas Frey Famous Quotes - Futurist Speaker
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Thomas Frey Famous Quotes

Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: People make decisions today based on their interpretation of what the future holds.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: If you don’t have time to plan for the future, what makes you think it will turn out the way you want.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: We shape our future, and our future shapes us.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: The true limits of human performance have yet to be unleashed.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: We can now think-faster, know-faster, and do-faster than ever before in history.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Much like the rhythm of a beating heart, the sounds of tomorrow creates a rhythm for our lives today. The Future creates the present.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Any industry that fails to operate in the best interests of its customers is a prime candidate for disruption.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Our present is becoming a more distant past every day.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: As a thought experiment, how many people would be willing to pay to add Elon Musk’s DNA to enhance their unborn child?
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: If we continue to insert a teacher between us and everything we need to learn, we can’t possibly keep up with the demands of the future!
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: We’re entering a world that will require higher caliber people to make it work, and it is preposterous for us to think our existing systems can suddenly start producing better results!
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Do I have a greater purpose than to ask myself if I have a greater purpose.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: The human race is genetically predisposition to push the envelope, color outside the lines, and reach for things that will forever be unreachable. We have an unfinishable mandate to continually stretch, grow, propagate, and master not only the world around us, but also the entire universe.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: The future favors the bold.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: When will the value of virtual relationships begin to equal that of physical relationships.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: 3 Laws of Exponential Capabilities: automation, mega-accomplishments, raise the bar for achievements and expectations.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: The people of the world have an unfinishable mandate to continually stretch, grow, propagate, and master not only the world arounds us, but also the entire universe. And it all begins with rethinking our cities.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Great communities are all about their vibrancy, interconnectedness, and fluid structures for causing positive human collisions.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Every avalanche begins with the movement of a single snowflake. With each new project, my goal is to move a snowflake.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: The people of the world have an unfinishable mandate to continually stretch, grow, propagate, and master not only the world around us, but also the entire universe. And it all begins with rethinking our cities.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: When it comes to education, we have met the enemy, and it is us. Ironically, we need to step aside so AI and automation can help us unlock the person we were truly meant to be!
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: The pace of change is mandating that we produce a faster, smarter, better grade of human. It’s simply not reasonable to think that tweaking our current systems will cause them to start producing exponentially better results!
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Over the next decades we will become exponentially more fixable, trainable, repairable, improvable, and even re-inventable! It will no longer be about who we are today, but who we have the potential to become!
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: The age of heavy guns and hardware is ending, and bio, cyber, and mind wars are just beginning. The concept of imminent risk and menacing danger is being reframed around non-intuitive, non-visible- and non-obvious threats.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: People are at their best when they are challenged. If we do not challenge ourselves, nature has a way of giving us challenges. There is great value in our struggles, and human nature has shown us that we only value the things we struggle to achieve.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Our next generation retail pioneers are already in the process of dissecting and reassembling concepts of ownership, first impressions, product placement, purchasing environments, payment schemes, product lifecycles, delivery methods, the human product relationship, and even the value and nature of possession.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Our next generation retail pioneers are already in the process of dissecting and reassembling concepts of ownership, first impressions, product placement, purchasing environments, payment schemes, product lifecycles, delivery methods, the human product relationship, and even the value and nature of possession.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Since we will all be spending the rest of our lives in the future, we really should learn more about how we are making the transition from the here and now to what comes next.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: In much the same way that we cannot pay more bills with less money, we cannot solve greater problems with less talent.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Tucked away, deep in our cranial cavities, is a personal vision of what the future holds. While we are not conscious of its role or how it works, our inner vision oversees every action we take today.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Beware of complexity disguised as a solution.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Every avalanche begins with the movement of a single snowflake. With each new project, my goal is to move a snowflake.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: More security means less privacy, and more convenience means less security. Much like playing a constant game of rock-paper-scissors, we are still a long ways from optimizing our privacy-security-convenience balance!
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: The average person is consuming information over 12 hours every day, but we currently have no way of monitoring the salient pieces of wisdom being added to our working memory!
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: How many Einsteins and Mozarts are born in every million people. Can there be more. Should there be more.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: The future is judging us.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Just as a fish has no way of understanding the concept of water, we are immersed in wave upon wave of an ever-changing future, silently slipping through our reality lens like the hands of time.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: The future is our greatest adversary. Since we are a very backward-looking society, we are continually blindsided by the future.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: If your next project is not aligned with the problems, needs, and desires of the future, the future will kill it.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: We shape our future, and our future shapes us.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Technology is the great complexity enabler. That does not make it practical, prudent, or reasonable, just doable.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: People are at their best when they are challenged. If we do not challen Can do 23ge ourselves, nature has a way of giving us challenges. There is great value in our struggles, and human nature has shown us that we only value the things we struggle to achieve.
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: Much like plumbing a house a 100 years ago, we’ll soon be able to wirelessly tap into hot and cold running AI to drive our devices!
Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker Famous Quote: When it comes to designing machines to replace humans, we often forget how enormously complex we are!