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Faith on Trial Radio: American Family Association calls for resignation of Oregon official
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20231220033654/https://faithontrialradio.blogspot.com/2013/08/american-family-association-calls-for.html

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

American Family Association calls for resignation of Oregon official

As reported earlier, a Christian-run bakery in Oregon, Sweet Cakes by Melissa, is now under fire from the state’s labor commission for making a conscience-driven decision not to participate in a lesbian wedding ceremony. The Oregon Labor Commission has launched an official investigation, which in turn could lead to the prosecution of the Christian couple which runs this bakery. 

Most egregiously, Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian said, “Everybody is entitled to their own beliefs, but that doesn't mean that folks have the right to discriminate. The goal is never to shut down a business. The goal is to rehabilitate. For those who do violate the law, we want them to learn from that experience and have a good, successful business in Oregon.” 
American Family Association has condemned those comments. AFM president Tim Wildmon said, “This is an unconscionable and unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment. The Constitution doesn’t just guarantee a right to religious belief, it guarantees a right to the free exercise of religion. That’s what Oregon is trying to deny. 

 “To say that this couple needs to be rehabilitated for believing and practicing the values on which this nation was founded is entirely beyond the pale. This sounds like Stalinist Russia or China under Mao, where those who thought for themselves were forced under government coercion into re-education camps. This is not the America that was given to us by our Founders. 
 “The natural question to ask is what happens if the Kleins refuse to be ‘rehabilitated?’ What happens if they maintain their faith and their values, and refuse to convert to political correctness? The next logical step would be for the government to shut down their business altogether, which would be an act of Nazi-esque tyranny. 

 “The AFA is calling for the immediate resignation of Commissioner Avakian. A government official who is so fundamentally ignorant of the Constitution and its protections has no business in public office.” 

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