IPv6 Case Studies

Now is the time to get IPv6, but you don’t have to take our word for it. Hear detailed accounts from organizations that have already made progress on their IPv6 journey.

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IPv6 Case Studies

Ben Bittfield shares how Sprint has implemented nearly all the major categories of IP addressing and IPv6 transition techniques on the wireless network, from public IPv4 to IPv6-only with NAT64, and offers his advice about when to start your own migration plan.

Mythic Beasts
IPv6 Case Studies

Pete Stevens shares what has made IPv6-only hosting at Mythic Beasts possible as a default for most hosting requirements from getting bytes in to getting bytes out.

Solar Net One
IPv6 Case Studies

Scott Johnson marvels at the adaptability of the Internet’s underlying structure as he describes the SolarNetOne network build. He advises to crawl before you walk, so deploying IPv6 will seem a lot less daunting.

IPv6 Case Studies

Matthew Wilder explains how TELUS deployed IPv6 and outlines some of the practical steps organizations can take to accelerate IPv6 adoption.

San Joaquin Valley Library System
IPv6 Case Studies

Aaron G. Lusk, Network Systems Engineer, explains why the San Joaquin Valley Library System decided to deploy IPv6 and shares his advice for those looking to enable IPv6 on their own network.

NTT Communications
IPv6 Case Studies

Kevin Pack, Senior Engineer at NTT, shares why he believes its imperative that global internet providers offer IPv6 to their customers and explains some of benefits NTT has seen after deploying IPv6.

IPv6 Case Studies

Veronika McKillop, Network Architect for Microsoft CSEO, explains why Microsoft decided to make the move to an IPv6-only internal network and offers her advice for those looking to do the same.

IPv6 Case Studies

Marc Aeberhard, VoIP Product Manager, explains how Patton recognized the need for IPv6 and how they created a step-by-step plan to deploy it.