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C.D. Warner, et al., comp. The Library of the World’s Best Literature.
An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.

The Reader’s Dictionary of Authors

The Reader’s Dictionary of Authors Semonides to Thierry

Semonides (Seventh Century B.C.)
Étienne Pivert de Senancour (1770–1846)
Seneca (c. 4 B.C.–65 A.D.)
William Senior (1839?–1920)
Matilde Serao (1856–1927)
Olivia Wilmot Serres (1772–1834)
Michael Servetus (1511?–1553)
Robert William Service (1874–1958)
Ernest Thompson Seton (1860–1946)
Elkanah Settle (1648–1724)
Madame de Sévigné (1626–1696)
Frank Sewall (1837–1915)
Harriet Winslow Sewall (1819–1889)
Jonathan Mitchel Sewall (1748–1808)
Samuel Sewall (1652–1730)
Stephen Sewall (1734–1804)
Anna Seward (1747–1809)
William Henry Seward (1801–1872)
Sextus Empiricus (fl. Late Second Century)
Thomas Shadwell (1642–1692)
Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury (1621–1683)
John Campbell Shairp (1819–1885)
William Shakespeare (1564–1616)
Nathaniel Southgate Shaler (1841–1906)
William Franklin Gore Shanks (1837–1905)
Vishnu Sharma (Pilpay) (c. 1000 B.C.?)
Dallas Lore Sharp (1870–1929)
Isaac Sharpless (1848–1920)
Albert Shaw (1857–1947)
George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950)
John Dawson Gilmary Shea (1824–1892)
Julia Ann Clark Shedd (1834–1897)
William Greenough Thayer Shedd (1820–1894)
Charles Monroe Sheldon (1857–1946)
Edward Sheldon (1886–1946)
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797–1851)
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822)
Frederick William Shelton (1814–1881)
William Shenstone (1714–1763)
Elizabeth Sara Sheppard (1830–1862)
Philip Henry Sheridan (1831–1888)
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751–1816)
Frank Dempster Sherman (1860–1916)
John Sherman (1823–1900)
William Tecumseh Sherman (1820–1891)
Mary Elizabeth Wilson Sherwood (1826–1903)
Mary Martha Sherwood (1775–1851)
Taras Shevchenko (1814–1861)
Benjamin Penhallow Shillaber (1814–1890)
Mary Dana Shindler (1810–1883)
Milicent Washburn Shinn (1858–1940)
Louis Evan Shipman (1869–1933)
Paul Shorey (1857–1934)
Clement King Shorter (1857–1926)
John Henry Shorthouse (1834–1903)
Ethel Sidgwick (1877–1970)
Henry Sidgwick (1838–1900)
Algernon Sidney (1623–1683)
Sir Philip Sidney (1554–1586)
Saint Sidonius Apollinaris (431/2–c. 487)
Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846–1916)
Lydia Huntley Sigourney (1791–1865)
Silius Italicus (25–101)
Edward Rowland Sill (1841–1887)
João Manuel Pereira da Silva (1817–1898)
José da Silva Mendes Leal (1818–1886)
Antoine Isaac, Baron Silvestre de Sacy (1758–1838)
Sima Guang (1019–1086)
William Gilmore Simms (1806–1870)
Theophylactus Simocatta (c. 570–c. 640)
Jules Simon (1814–1896)
Simonides (c. 556–468 B.C.)
John Palgrave Simpson (1807–1887)
George Robert Sims (1847–1922)
Catherine Sinclair (1800–1864)
May Sinclair (1963–1946)
Alfred Percy Sinnett (1840–1921)
Jean Charles Léonard Simonde de Sismondi (1773–1842)
Konrad Sittenfeld (1862–1918)
Walter William Skeat (1835–1912)
John Skelton (1460?–1529)
Arthur Sketchley (1817–1882)
John Skinner (1721–1807)
Joseph Skipsey (1832–1903)
Douglas Brooke Wheelton Sladen (1856–1947)
Johannes Sleidanus (1506–1556)
William Milligan Sloane (1850–1928)
Annie Trumbull Slosson (1838–1926)
Juliusz Słowacki (1809–1849)
George Washburn Smalley (1833–1916)
Christopher Smart (1722–1771)
Helen Hamilton Gardener Smart (1853–1925)
Samuel Smiles (1812–1904)
Adam Smith (1723–1790)
Albert Smith (1816–1860)
Alexander Smith (1830–1867)
Buckingham Smith (1810–1871)
Charlotte Smith (1749–1806)
Edmund Smith (1672–1710)
Elizabeth Oakes Smith (1806–1893)
Francis Hopkinson Smith (1838–1915)
George Smith (1840–1876)
Gerrit Smith (1797–1874)
Goldwin Smith (1823–1910)
Harry Bache Smith (1860–1936)
James (1775–1839) and Horace (1779–1849) Smith
Captain John Smith (1580–1631)
Matthew Hale Smith (1810–1879)
May Riley Smith (1842?–1927)
Richard Penn Smith (1799–1854)
Samuel Francis Smith (1808–1895)
Seba Smith (1792–1868)
Sydney Smith (1771–1845)
William Smith (1808–1872)
William Smith (1813–1893)
William Robertson Smith (1846–1894)
Tobias George Smollett (1721–1771)
Charles Piazzi Smyth (1819–1900)
Newman Smyth (1843–1925)
John Collis Snaith (1876–1936)
Jan Renier Snieders (1812–1888)
Count Carl Johan Gustaf Snoilsky (1841–1903)
Snorri Sturluson (1179?–1241)
Lorenzo Snow (1814–1901)
Socrates (469–399 B.C.)
James Russell Soley (1850–1911)
Vladimir Sollogub (1813–1882)
Fyodor Sologub (1863–1927)
Solomon ibn Gabirol (Avicebron) (1021?–1058)
Solon (c. 630–560 B.C.)
Vladimir Solovyov (1853–1900)
Mary Somerville (1780–1872)
Sophocles (c. 496–406 B.C.)
Evangelinus Apostolides Sophocles (1807–1883)
Sophron (Fifth Century B.C.)
Sordello of Goito (Thirteenth Century)
William Sotheby (1757–1833)
Frédéric Soulié (1800–1847)
Alexandre Soumet (1788–1845)
Robert South (1634–1716)
Thomas Southerne (1660–1746)
James Carnegie, Earl of Southesk (1827–1905)
Caroline Bowles Southey (1786–1854)
Robert Southey (1774–1843)
Robert Southwell (c. 1561–1595)
Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth (1819–1899)
Émile Souvestre (1806–1854)
Githa Sowerby (1876–1970)
John Lancaster Spalding (1840–1916)
Martin John Spalding (1810–1872)
Frances Campbell Sparhawk (1847–1930)
Jared Sparks (1789–1866)
William Henry Sparks (1800–1882)
Solomon Spaulding (1761–1816)
Frank Hamilton Spearman (1859–1937)
John Randolph Spears (1850–1936)
James Spedding (1808–1881)
John Banning Speke (1827–1864)
Herbert Spencer (1820–1903)
Jesse Ames Spencer (1816–1898)
William Loring Nunez Spencer
William Robert Spencer (1770–1834)
Edmund Spenser (1552?–1599)
Friedrich Spielhagen (1829–1911)
Carl Spindler (1796–1855)
Baruch Spinoza (1632–1677)
Ainsworth Rand Spofford (1825–1908)
Harriet Prescott Spofford (1835–1921)
Charles Sprague (1791–1875)
Rebecca Ruter Springer (1832–1904)
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–1892)
Ephraim George Squier (1821–1888)
P.-J. Stahl (1814–1886)
Lady Hester Stanhope (1776–1839)
Philip Henry Stanhope (1805–1875)
Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (1815–1881)
Henry Morton Stanley (1841–1904)
Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Palmer Stannard (1856–1911)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1816–1902)
Henry Brewster Stanton (1805–1887)
Theodore Stanton (1851–1925)
Francis Reginald Statham (1844–1908)
Statius (c. 45–c. 96 A.D.)
William Thomas Stead (1849–1912)
Frank Preston Stearns (1846–1917)
Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833–1908)
Flora Annie Webster Steel (1847–1929)
Sir Richard Steele (1672–1729)
Thomas Sedgwick Steele (1845–1903)
Jacob Steendam (1616–c. 1672)
Lincoln Steffens (1866–1936)
Stendhal (1783–1842)
Sir Leslie Stephen (1832–1904)
Alexander Hamilton Stephens (1812–1883)
Ann Sophia Stephens (1810–1886)
Charles Asbury Stephens (1844–1931)
James Stephens (1882–1950)
James Brunton Stephens (1835–1902)
John Lloyd Stephens (1805–1852)
Robert Neilson Stephens (1867–1906)
Sergey Stepnyak-Kravchinsky (Stepniak) (1851–1895)
John Sterling (1806–1844)
Daniel Stern (1805–1876)
Laurence Sterne (1713–1768)
Stesichorus (c. 630–c. 556 B.C.)
Charlotte Perkins Stetson (1860–1935)
Abel Stevens (1815–1897)
Henry Stevens (1819–1886)
John Austin Stevens (1827–1910)
Burton Egbert Stevenson (1872–1962)
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894)
Balfour Stewart (1828–1887)
Dugald Stewart (1753–1828)
Adalbert Stifter (1805–1868)
William Still (1821–1902)
Charles Janeway Stillé (1819–1899)
William James Stillman (1828–1901)
Frederic Jesup Stimson (1855–1943)
Sir William Stirling-Maxwell (1818–1878)
Frank Richard Stockton (1834–1902)
Charles Warren Stoddard (1843–1909)
Elizabeth Drew Barstow Stoddard (1823–1902)
Richard Henry Stoddard (1825–1903)
William Osborn Stoddard (1835–1925)
Henry Sewell Stokes (1808–1895)
Christian, Graf von Stolberg (1748–1821)
Friedrich Leopold, Graf von Stolberg (1750–1819)
John Augustus Stone (1801–1834)
Lucy Stone (1818–1893)
Theodor Storm (1817–1888)
Richard Salter Storrs (1821–1900)
Joseph Story (1779–1845)
William Wetmore Story (1819–1895)
John Stow (1525?–1605)
Calvin Ellis Stowe (1802–1886)
Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811–1896)
Strabo (c. 64 B.C.–c. 23 A.D.)
Walafrid Strabo (807?–849)
William Strachey (1572?–1621)
Lisbeth Gooch Séguin Strahan
John Strang (1795–1863)
Lewis Clinton Strang (1869–1935)
Edward Stratemeyer (1862–1930)
Gene Stratton-Porter (1863–1924)
Oscar Solomon Straus (1850–1926)
David Friedrich Strauss (1808–1874)
Alfred Billings Street (1811–1881)
Hesba Stretton (1832–1911)
Agnes Strickland (1796–1874)
August Strindberg (1849–1912)
Arthur Stringer (1874–1950)
Latham Cornell Strong (1845–1879)
Nathan Strong (1748–1816)
David Hunter Strother (1816–1888)
Gustav Karl Otto von Struensee (1803–1875)
Simeon Strunsky (1879–1948)
Melancthon Woolsey Stryker (1851–1929)
John Strype (1643–1737)
Esmé Stuart (1851–1934)
Ruth McEnery Stuart (1856–1917)
Ambrosius Stub (1705–1758)
William Stubbs (1825–1901)
Julian Russell Sturgis (1848–1904)
Julius Sturm (1816–1896)
Cristóval Suárez de Figueroa (Seventeenth Century)
Sir John Suckling (1609–1642)
Hermann Sudermann (1857–1928)
Eugène Sue (1804–1857)
Suetonius (c. 69–c. 122 A.D.)
Alan Sullivan (1868–1947)
James William Sullivan (1848–1938)
Thomas Russell Sullivan (1849–1916)
Maximilien de Béthune, Duke of Sully (1559–1641)
Sully Prudhomme (René François Armand Prudhomme) (1839–1907)
Johann Georg Sulzer (1720–1779)
Aleksandr Sumarokov (1717–1777)
Charles Sumner (1811–1874)
William Graham Sumner (1840–1910)
Evelyn Greenleaf Baker Sutherland (1855–1908)
Van Tassel Sutphen (1861–1945)
Alfred Sutro (1863–1933)
Bertha von Suttner (1843–1914)
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772)
Alexander Edwin Sweet (1841–1901)
Madame Swetchine (1782–1857)
Sophia Miriam Swett (1858–1912)
Jonathan Swift (1667–1745)
Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837–1909)
John Swinton (1829–1901)
William Swinton (1833–1892)
Jane Grey Cannon Swisshelm (1815–1884)
Heinrich von Sybel (1817–1895)
Elisabeth, Queen of Roumania (Carmen Sylva) (1843–1916)
Quintus Aurelius Symmachus (c. 350–c. 405)
John Addington Symonds (1840–1893)
Arthur Symons (1865–1945)
Synesius (c. 375–c. 415)
John Millington Synge (1871–1909)
Władysław Syrokomla (1823–1862)
László Szalay (1813–1864)
Sze-ma Ts’ien (c. 163–c. 85 B.C.)
Ede Szigligeti (1814–1878)
Tabarî (838?–923)
John Banister Tabb (1845–1909)
Tacitus (56–c. 120 A.D.)
Toussaint-Gaspard Taconet (1730–1774)
William Howard Taft (1857–1930)
Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941)
Alphonse Honoré Taillandier (1797–1867)
Saint-Réné Taillandier (1817–1879)
Noël Taillepied (1540–1589)
Eugène François Joseph Tailliar (1803–1878)
Hippolyte Adolphe Taine (1828–1893)
Archibald Campbell Tait (1811–1882)
Charles Remington Talbot (1851–1891)
Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd (1795–1854)
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754–1838)
François-Joseph Talma (1763–1826)
Thomas De Witt Talmage (1832–1902)
Robert Tannahill (1774–1810)
Benjamin Tucker Tanner (1835–1923)
Luigi Tansillo (1510–1568)
Eva March Tappan (1854–1930)
William Bingham Tappan (1794–1849)
Ida Minerva Tarbell (1857–1944)
Jules Romain Tardieu (1805–1868)
Booth Tarkington (1869–1946)
Bernardo Tasso (1493–1569)
Torquato Tasso (1544–1595)
Alessandro Tassoni (1565–1635)
Emil Taubert (1844–1895)
Johannes Tauler (c. 1300–1361)
Baroness Jemima Montgomery Tautphoeus (1807–1893)
Jean-Baptiste Tavernier (1605–1689)
Bayard Taylor (1825–1878)
Benjamin Franklin Taylor (1819–1887)
Sir Henry Taylor (1800–1886)
Isaac Taylor (1759–1829)
Isaac Taylor (1787–1865)
Isaac Taylor (1829–1901)
Baron Isidore-Justin-Séverin Taylor (1789–1879)
Jeremy Taylor (1613–1667)
John Taylor (1580–1653)
Philip Meadows Taylor (1808–1876)
Thomas Taylor (1758–1835)
Tom Taylor (1817–1880)
William Taylor (1821–1902)
Evald Teellinck (c. 1570–1629)
Esaias Tegnér (1782–1846)
Count József Teleki (1790–1855)
Konrad Telmann (1854–1897)
Jodocus Donatus Hubertus Temme (1798–1881)
Eduard von Tempeltey (1832–1919)
Claudine-Alexandrine Guérin de Tencin (1682–1749)
William Tennant (1784–1848)
Wilhelm Gottlieb Tennemann (1761–1819)
Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809–1892)
Frederick Tennyson (1807–1898)
Hallam Tennyson (1852–1928)
Jacques de Teramo (1349–1417)
Fanny Messageot de Tercy (b. 1781)
François Tercy (c. 1774–1841)
Terence (c. 195/185–159 B.C.)
Albert Payson Terhune (1872–1942)
Mary Virginia Hawes Terhune (Marion Harland) (1830–1922)
Jean Terrasson (1670–1750)
Gerhard Tersteegen (1697–1769)
Tertullian (c. 160–c. 230)
Count Fulvio Testi (1593–1646)
Jean Tétard (1770–1841)
Wilhelm Sigismund Teuffel (1820–1878)
Georg Daniel Teutsch (1817–1893)
Charles Félix Marie Texier (1802–1871)
Thomas Thaarup (1749–1821)
John Boyd Thacher (1847–1909)
William Makepeace Thackeray (1811–1863)
Thales (c. 620–c. 546 B.C.)
Octave Thanet (Alice French) (1850–1934)
Jérôme (1874–1953) and Jean (1877–1952) Tharaud
Moritz Thausing (1838–1884)
Celia Laighton Thaxter (1835–1894)
Emma Homan Thayer (1842–1908)
William Makepeace Thayer (1820–1898)
William Roscoe Thayer (Paul Hermes) (1859–1923)
Augustin Theiner (1804–1874)
Theocritus (fl. Third Century B.C.)
Theodoret (c. 390–c. 460)
Theognis (fl. Sixth Century B.C.)
Theophrastus (c. 371–287 B.C.)
Theopompus of Chios (b. c. 378 B.C.)
André Theuriet (1833–1907)
Antoine-Claire, Count Thibaudeau (1765–1854)
Anton Friedrich Justus Thibaut (1772–1840)
Amédée Thierry (1797–1873)
Jacques Nicolas Augustin Thierry (1795–1856)